April Garza
彩妆大师(MUA), 舞蹈家, 舞蹈指导
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whats been going on

I know everyone, it really has been awhile several things are going on. I've been asked to do a reel video and am so excited about that. I'm in the process of doing that and meeting ppl, and dancers whom I want them to be apart of this experience with me. Alot of ideas that are popping in my head, what I want, what song I want to choreograph and use for the reel, what I want the costumes  to look like, its alot to process and its taking alot of my time ...I need it to be perfect. So be waiting for the videos of the rehearsal, backstage and the final touch of the reel. I also met a wonderful dancer name Ted who is from the same town I am and he's an incredible dancer and we are discussing some other projects to do..we are going to  partner up and do some sick shi*t...working hard together and workshops are one thing we are going to do and some performance of us two. I was a bit nervous ....showing him what I can do and glad he was amazed by it which made me feel good and are working alot together on some sick choreography  which we will post up on youtube and on here. We also are setting a date for auditions for some other projects cant really speak of yet but yeah ...thats where I have been at and staying busy as much as I can.  But being busy my best friend took me away to relax at a pitbull concert it was awesome and she just bought us out tickets to Daddy Yankee soooooo excited I have never been to a  Daddy Yankee concert and it is a dream come true and was touched that she surprised me with the tickets. VIP baby! lol Also, a photoshoot is coming soon of me and watch out for that too. Thanks everyone on ur msgs and blogs here and other sites and I am touched and sorry that I made some of you worry. Also if u have not heard those of you who have  my cell # I lost it a week ago and was so :( I was literally freaking out and crying lol.....but I got me a new cell and have the same # just I couldn't get  my phone book back so I got most of my #s back and if ur one of them just text me and tell me its u ..lol well hope all of you are doing well and god bless xoxo April

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Live and cherish every moment like it's your last


United States
November 5, 2008