April Garza
彩妆大师(MUA), 舞蹈家, 舞蹈指导
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Ok so I had a performace at this battle of the bands thing in San Antonio, Tx .  One thing I  about out of town performances is to explore after or see the hotel haha,. SO I arrived at my hotel and had to get dressed quick to ck in to tell the person who hired me I was here.

Me and my boy LD A.k.A a dancer of mine got dressed and took off. We didn't get to eat or anything till after ck in. This is one of our new outfits. I like very much! Though I had to be careful because me and white dont go well together. I kept telling myself DON"T GET DIRTY!! Thank God I didn't.

SO this is the hotel we stayed at because it was near the place we were performing at. I know it's a little dark.

UGHH! I LOok fat :( oh well back on my diet again bc I have a performance coming up on tv. SO I met my gurl  AUDREE there she met us there because her boyfriend is in a band that just got signed whoot whoot * congrads Jay* so I asked them if they would like to perform there too and got them a gig there since it was  more their enviroment he sings that hard metal stuff that scares me  but they did good. well when I got there SCott the guy who hired me gave me the big stage the main stage since they had 3 stages and a VIP section and gave my friend the backstage room to perform in. I thought well since it's not really a hip hop enviroment I asked Scott if we can switch and give us the little stage in the back of the huge warehouse and gave my friends the huge main stage. I think I was very nice on that haha. They thanked me big time and to me was no problem. TO my surprise though I had alot of ppl trying to make there way to the room to watch us perform. I didn't get to record it bc Well I was dancing haha.

This photo was LD, Me and Audree resting after we perform. Yeah I am all sweating. It was hot. But I had a great time.

Me and Audree she was like take a picture with me. OF course. We took a photo together waiting for her boyfriend to play.

OK here dont laugh haha Audree was like APRIL!!! She took my camera and took my photo I was resting and so tired had a krazzzy month as all of you know I have not been on AnD for a very very long time.

As you can tell it was hot in there my hair is getting all frizz... gross

This is funny ok so the next day on the way back home I was so tired still and hungry as hell and I called LD so he can turn so I can snap a shot and he took it all like whatz up! WEll he paid me back haha.

As you can see how. I was in the back fell asleep bc I have been so tired and than my phone would not stop make sound every time I recieved a text. I was too tired to respond back. well that was my weekend. Its funny how you get ready and prepare for a performace thats coming up and than it gets here and its done with that feels like seconds or even minutes. How krazzy is that. Well I know some have been asking whats next. well as I am doing this blog I just got a call to come out in a spanish game television show thats live to perform with one of the spanish singers I dance for whenever needed. Though its in Mexico I am still shaken up about it. Its next wednesday and so I have till tomorrow to decide what do you guys think.?

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Photo 282807
hey ino them...but i cant put my finger on it....;P
接近 15 年 ago


Live and cherish every moment like it's your last


United States
November 5, 2008