April Garza
彩妆大师(MUA), 舞蹈家, 舞蹈指导
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Well,  I am really excited bc well Friday is almost here hahaah and that only means once thing DANCING MY HEART OUT TO MY HOMETOWN!  My dancers and I have been working our butts off literally. I was so exhausted from yesterdays practice that I almost passout not bc of the dancing but bc here in south Texas weather it is very hot that even the aircondition wasent cooling and though we had fans to make the cool weather circulate it just wasent cutting it  I suffer from migranes and was very thankful that I hadent had one in a very long time but yesterday the heat just triggered it. It was bad enough that we danced for 5 hours non-stop and than in heat than me with a migrane towards the last hour till about god knows what time all night I was very exhausted and was soaked in sweat that I couldnt stand to long with out my body wanting to fall. Than when I stood up to long to try to make me something to eat bc well I only ate lunch thinking that will make me feel better nope nothing I had turned on my laptop to send an event about the preformance to myspace fans and family and friends but  I didnt get far I knocked out or tried to anyways than one of my friends came droped me off some meds for my migrane and knock out till like 1 pm today hahaah. Now you know why people why I love winter. I just hate summer. WEll, I decided to not have practice today to rest but I feel about it bc I am professional about this and to cancel a day which is not good since Friday is so close by I know I am a hardworker and I work to hard for what I do and I have to we have to be perfect. My dancers totally  understand but me its me that it kills me to cancel a day. SInce Thursday we cant rehearse bc of a bowling tournament my dancers are in. IT's all good ...as long as we have practice tomorrow.  All I know no  matter how worse I get nothing is going to hold me back from preforming Friday. To many of my friends who are attending to see me finally preform at my hometown. Also, sorry for those who msn me last night and I didn't reply my laptop was on but had it on silent and I just logged off well when u read this that is the reason why I didnt. Hope you guys understand.

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Live and cherish every moment like it's your last


United States
November 5, 2008