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Angelica Cukon
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Turkey 2010

At least I went back home few days later for training more time with my students.

It was a great experience with coach Florin Ioana,"the family", Mihai, Andrei and all of them, I really felt very good there!

They are leaving today evening at 7 with the whole Romanian Wushu Team for the European Championship.

We worked a lot in these last weeks, everyday morining, afternoon and evening also on sunday and they improve a lot.

I'm so sad I couldn't go with them in Antalya, but if everything will be ok, I'll be their coach in the 3rd World Junior Wushu Championship in Singapore from the 2nd to the 9th of December. Me with coach Florin Ioana..and with "the family"with "my sanda teacher" Cristina Several times European Champion and 3rd place in Worlds莪到底回来了。

本来莪要几天之前回意大利 但莪のBOSS说莪还要在罗马尼亚带几天莪就是刚才回到家里。

又累又辛苦又幸福!今晚莪学生(10与14岁の)和所有の罗马尼亚国家队员一起飞到土耳其 ,为了参加欧洲少年锦标赛。

这段时间我们天天上午,下午与晚上练习,星期天都也没休息因为他们自己也知道莪们根本也没时间休息,而且他们运动员,教练员都让莪感到一种“在家庭”里面の感觉。他们认真训练の,进步の也不少,最后这几天他们练の真不错 不过运动员,教练员都知道,训练与比赛是两位方式。

现在比莪自己参加了欧锦赛还紧张多了,不过我要相信他们,相信他们会比得好,不会让莪失望了!It's strange. Last year when I discussed with ZGX about that for me he's always too busy thinking this and that for this and that competition or athlete, he answered me sayin'I was only athlete and I couldn't understand how is complicated being a coach. At that time I really thought he wasn't so serious because I wasn't a coach before and I've always seen coaching as an easy job: you teach students and take them to compete, that's it! But now that I feel it on my skin, I can finally understand what he meant.

I'm more and more nervouse than when I personally competed in Euros or Worlds... 

but at the same time I believe them, and I believe in progresses we made together...真可惜这次没时间带他们比赛,不过如果莪们安排了の事情都会过得好莪就会带他们参加12月2号到9号在新加坡 举行の世界少年锦标赛 。。呵呵 希望! 



Andrei, Mihai 加油!PS.: 不拿冠军莪打死你们!哈哈哈!

almost 15 years ago 0 likes  6 comments  0 shares
Photo 51946
Thx ~~~
almost 15 years ago
Photo 52407
you start for turkey?
almost 15 years ago
Photo 51946
No.. my students are there right now.. competing in few days
almost 15 years ago
Photo 51946
Thanks Melly ~~
almost 15 years ago


有一天他跟我说了:“妳要把所有的心思和力量放在比赛上” “积极主动,以我为主,控制过程,展示技艺,夺取金牌” 那天我感觉是最强的! Empty you mind, be formless, shapeless, like water. Now you put water into a cup, it will

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