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Learn to Make Curry

My sister has tried to teach me how to make chicken curry twice.

The first time she made me watch.

The second time she made me watch, but I got to chop the carrots.

There's a chinese proverb that says that if you tell me, I will forget,

Show me, and I may remember,

Involve me, and I will understand.


What if you want to make a person understand you?  A person, although much more complicated than a  curry recipe, the same concept should be applied.  Don't just tell them to understand you - the sidelines isn't exactly the best place to learn. If you want a person to really understand you, then be sure you are willing to open yourself up to them and include them into your life.

This has been really cheesy.  Goodnight!

over 14 years ago 0 likes  3 comments  0 shares
Photo 74817
Yum yum!!! :)
over 14 years ago


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