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Hope and Glory Comes to Beijing!

We are proud to announce that Simon Birch's acclaimed art exhibition 'Hope and Glory' will be launched next week in Beijing!

For those who aren't familiar with it, Hope and Glory is an art installation created by Hong Kong based artist Simon Birch in 2010 (and we did an AnD event to visit it too).  After nearly a year of hard work, the exhibition is now being displayed for a second time in Beijing's Songzhuang Art district at the G-Dot artspace:

Here's the info from their announcement:

Hope and Glory, one of the most monumental art projects ever undertaken in Hong Kong will be coming to Beijing from May 2nd to June 30th. A series of interlinked multi-media installations by Hong Kong-based English artist Simon Birch will create an unforgettable interactive experience at G-Dot Art Space in Songzhuang.

Birch's stimulating show explores a number of major themes that recur in the artist's work: the idea of art as a spectacle; the fascination with circuses and fairgrounds, science fiction and mythologies; as well as a preoccupation with the traditions of craftsmanship and labor in art production.

Simon Birch has brought together artists, designers, musicians, filmmakers, photographers, actors, and architects from Hong Kong and around the world to make this exhibition happen. Among Birch's collaborators are artist Stanley Wong, photographer Wing Shya, British rock band UNKLE, filmmaker Eric Hu, designer Douglas Young, architect Paul Kember, and actor Daniel Wu.

Hope and Glory has been critically acclaimed internationally in publications including , , and . Over 60,000 visitors attended the Hong Kong show over its three-month duration from May to July 2010. The support has been extraordinary and quite unprecedented for a visual arts project, gaining the support from the HKSAR Mega Events Fund with a 2 million HKD pledge.

香港艺术家 Simon Birch,去年在香港举办了一个规模史无前例的展览,HOPE AND GLORY, 将于5月2日至6月30日重现于北京宋庄。贵点艺术空间与艺术家 Simon Birch 将挑战一贯的 艺术展览模式和制作,带领观众进入一个引人入胜,由一系列互相关连的多媒体设置把宽敞的 空间缔造为神话般的迷宫,创造出一个难忘的互动体验。

这个展览,Birch 的作品反映出了多个主题,这些主题包括:对于艺术演化成舞台的概念;对 于马戏团和游乐场,科幻小说和神话的着迷;还有对于手工艺创作传统的专注。

Simon Birch 汇集了来自香港及世界各地的艺术家、设计师、音乐家、电影工作者、摄影师、 演员和建筑师,包括艺术家又一山人(黄炳培),摄影师夏永康,英国摇滚乐队UNKLE,电影 制片人胡兴宇,设计师杨志超,建筑师 Paul Kember 和演员 吴彦祖

Hope and Glory 已经在国际上广受好评, 先后在多份国际知名刊物上如:《Art Forum》、 《The Herald Tribune》、《The New York Times》和《The Independent》报导。

Hope and Glory 是香港特别行政区,旅游事务署 — 盛事基金以二百万港元支持的一个视 觉艺术项目,是香港特区去年其中一项大型活动。在2010年从5月至7月在香港展出期间超 过60,000名游客参观。For those of you guys in Beijing,  please go check it out if you get a chance!  It runs through June 30th.

More info on the show and venue is here - http://g-dotartspace.com/


我們很自豪能夠向大家Simon Birch( 宣布西蒙·伯爾奇)的"Hope and Glory"(“希望和榮耀”)的藝術展下周將會在北京舉行。

對於還不了解這個藝術展的朋友,“希望和榮耀”是有香港藝術家西蒙·伯爾奇創造的建築藝術( 當然其中也有我們AnD 的活動)。經過了一年的幸苦創作,這個藝術展將會再次在北京北京宋莊舉行。


香港藝術家 Simon Birch,去年在香港舉辦了一個規模史無前例的展覽,HOPE AND GLORY, 將於5月2日至6月30日重現於北京宋莊。貴點藝術空間與藝術家 Simon Birch 將挑戰一貫的 藝術展覽模式和制作,帶領觀眾進入一個引人入勝,由一系列互相關連的多媒體設置把寬敞的 空間締造為神話般的迷宮,創造出一個難忘的互動體驗。

這個展覽,Birch 的作品反映出了多個主題,這些主題包括:對於藝術演化成舞臺的概念;對 於馬戲團和遊樂場,科幻小說和神話的著迷;還有對於手工藝創作傳統的專註。

Simon Birch 匯集了來自香港及世界各地的藝術家、設計師、音樂家、電影工作者、攝影師、 演員和建築師,包括藝術家又一山人(黃炳培),攝影師夏永康,英國搖滾樂隊UNKLE,電影 制片人胡興宇,設計師楊誌超,建築師 Paul Kember 和演員 吳彥祖

Hope and Glory 已經在國際上廣受好評, 先後在多份國際知名刊物上如:《Art Forum》、 《The Herald Tribune》、《The New York Times》和《The Independent》報導。

Hope and Glory 是香港特別行政區,旅遊事務署 — 盛事基金以二百萬港元支持的一個視 覺藝術項目,是香港特區去年其中一項大型活動。在2010年從5月至7月在香港展出期間超 過60,000名遊客參觀。如果你住在北京。不要錯過機會,趕快報名。截止到六月30號。

關於此次互動和活動地址,請閱覽 - http://g-dotartspace.com/

宣布西蒙·伯尔奇)的"Hope and Glory"(“希望和荣耀”)的艺术展下周将会在北京举行。

对于还不了解这个艺术展的朋友,“希望和荣耀”是有香港艺术家西蒙·伯尔奇创造的建筑艺术( 当然其中也有我们AnD 的活动)。经过了一年的幸苦创作,这个艺术展将会再次在北京北京宋庄举行。


香港艺术家 Simon Birch,去年在香港举办了一个规模史无前例的展览,HOPE AND GLORY, 将于5月2日至6月30日重现于北京宋庄。贵点艺术空间与艺术家 Simon Birch 将挑战一贯的 艺术展览模式和制作,带领观众进入一个引人入胜,由一系列互相关连的多媒体设置把宽敞的 空间缔造为神话般的迷宫,创造出一个难忘的互动体验。

这个展览,Birch 的作品反映出了多个主题,这些主题包括:对于艺术演化成舞台的概念;对 于马戏团和游乐场,科幻小说和神话的着迷;还有对于手工艺创作传统的专注。

Simon Birch 汇集了来自香港及世界各地的艺术家、设计师、音乐家、电影工作者、摄影师、 演员和建筑师,包括艺术家又一山人(黄炳培),摄影师夏永康,英国摇滚乐队UNKLE,电影 制片人胡兴宇,设计师杨志超,建筑师 Paul Kember 和演员 吴彦祖

Hope and Glory 已经在国际上广受好评, 先后在多份国际知名刊物上如:《Art Forum》、 《The Herald Tribune》、《The New York Times》和《The Independent》报导。

Hope and Glory 是香港特别行政区,旅游事务署 — 盛事基金以二百万港元支持的一个视 觉艺术项目,是香港特区去年其中一项大型活动。在2010年从5月至7月在香港展出期间超 过60,000名游客参观。如果你住在北京。不要错过机会,赶快报名。截止到六月30号。

关于此次互动和活动地址,请阅览 - http://g-dotartspace.com/

|We are proud to announce that Simon Birch's acclaimed art exhibition 'Hope and Glory' will be launched next week in Beijing!

For those who aren't familiar with it, Hope and Glory is an art installation created by Hong Kong based artist Simon Birch in 2010 (and we did an AnD event to visit it too).  After nearly a year of hard work, the exhibition is now being displayed for a second time in Beijing's Songzhuang Art district at the G-Dot artspace:

Here's the info from their announcement:

Hope and Glory, one of the most monumental art projects ever undertaken in Hong Kong will be coming to Beijing from May 2nd to June 30th. A series of interlinked multi-media installations by Hong Kong-based English artist Simon Birch will create an unforgettable interactive experience at G-Dot Art Space in Songzhuang.

Birch's stimulating show explores a number of major themes that recur in the artist's work: the idea of art as a spectacle; the fascination with circuses and fairgrounds, science fiction and mythologies; as well as a preoccupation with the traditions of craftsmanship and labor in art production.

Simon Birch has brought together artists, designers, musicians, filmmakers, photographers, actors, and architects from Hong Kong and around the world to make this exhibition happen. Among Birch's collaborators are artist Stanley Wong, photographer Wing Shya, British rock band UNKLE, filmmaker Eric Hu, designer Douglas Young, architect Paul Kember, and actor Daniel Wu.

Hope and Glory has been critically acclaimed internationally in publications including , , and . Over 60,000 visitors attended the Hong Kong show over its three-month duration from May to July 2010. The support has been extraordinary and quite unprecedented for a visual arts project, gaining the support from the HKSAR Mega Events Fund with a 2 million HKD pledge.

香港艺术家 Simon Birch,去年在香港举办了一个规模史无前例的展览,HOPE AND GLORY, 将于5月2日至6月30日重现于北京宋庄。贵点艺术空间与艺术家 Simon Birch 将挑战一贯的 艺术展览模式和制作,带领观众进入一个引人入胜,由一系列互相关连的多媒体设置把宽敞的 空间缔造为神话般的迷宫,创造出一个难忘的互动体验。

这个展览,Birch 的作品反映出了多个主题,这些主题包括:对于艺术演化成舞台的概念;对 于马戏团和游乐场,科幻小说和神话的着迷;还有对于手工艺创作传统的专注。

Simon Birch 汇集了来自香港及世界各地的艺术家、设计师、音乐家、电影工作者、摄影师、 演员和建筑师,包括艺术家又一山人(黄炳培),摄影师夏永康,英国摇滚乐队UNKLE,电影 制片人胡兴宇,设计师杨志超,建筑师 Paul Kember 和演员 吴彦祖

Hope and Glory 已经在国际上广受好评, 先后在多份国际知名刊物上如:《Art Forum》、 《The Herald Tribune》、《The New York Times》和《The Independent》报导。

Hope and Glory 是香港特别行政区,旅游事务署 — 盛事基金以二百万港元支持的一个视 觉艺术项目,是香港特区去年其中一项大型活动。在2010年从5月至7月在香港展出期间超 过60,000名游客参观。For those of you guys in Beijing,  please go check it out if you get a chance!  It runs through June 30th.

More info on the show and venue is here - http://g-dotartspace.com/

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