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"Fast Love" Film Competition from one2free| One2free「Fast Love微電影創作比賽」|One2free「Fast Love微電影創作比賽」

Attention alive artists and community members -- 

As you may have seen from the banner ads running the last few days,  we have another great creative contest for you!  This one comes from our partner one2free and focuses on filmmakers.  They've released an open ended short film called "Fast Love" showcasing life in the mobile internet age.  The challenge to the filmmaker is to continue on this theme.  You are welcome to either make a video showing your own conclusion to the "Fast Love" film or give your own take on the theme "Life on a Faster Timeline".

Check out the announcement -

Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3aLWB30hQWI[![](/attachments/2012/05/08/20/1_201205082000152.thumb.jpg)](/batch.download.php?aid=10932378)[Click for the full contest announcement](http://one2free.hkcsl.com/jsp/whats_hot/news_and_promotions/samsung_4g.jsp?language=eng#video) and terms and conditions Yes that's right,  AnD's own, director Daniel Chan will be one of the judges picking the winners.

Here's the press release from one2free with more background -

one2free gives customers the total 4G multimedia experience‘Fast Love Short Film Competition’ celebrates the reality of life on the go for consumers Hong Kong, 3 May 2012 – one2free provides the total 4G multimedia experience on the go, to give customers the freedom to instantly access their personal entertainment experiences any time, anywhere. With one2free’s total 4G experience, customers reap the benefits of the combination of a superior 4G LTE network, HD content from Studio on Demand and Musicholic™ channels and a new range of 4G devices, the Samsung Galaxy Tab 8.9 LTE, HTC One XL and Galaxy SII LTE, all available at 3G prices. These new devices further extend the options one2free customers have for finding the 4G devices that fit their individual needs.

one2free today launches the Fast Love Short Film Competition to demonstrate how one2free’s total 4G experience is helping Hong Kong consumers to experience life the way they desire. 4G LTE technology now provides a mature mobile broadband network, coupled with the increasing sophistication of device technology enabling people to seamlessly share multimedia content in an instant. The short film competition is an avenue for one2free customers to express themselves and their lives creatively and share that expression with the rest of Hong Kong’s switched-on society.

“Hong Kongers have a faster lifestyle and they expect everything in an instant,” says Joehan Martinus, Director, Mass Marketing. “With our 4G LTE network we are able to match that, and 4G is changing the way people consume content – making a desired lifestyle a reality for today’s Hong Kong. Our short film competition is a celebration of this mobile lifestyle’s coming of age to enable HD multimedia content on the move that rivals the immediate, high-quality experience you get at home watching your TV or listening to CDs. The introduction of HD content to Studio on Demand creates a whole new HD multimedia experience that’s accessible through every screen.”

As the first 4G tablet in Hong Kong, the Samsung Galaxy Tab 8.9 LTE has a flexible, intuitive interface and larger display in a compact design, for the ultimate in portable video viewing. Users can access content from Studio on Demand such as horse racing and the UEFA Champions League final, on 20 May, from Studio on Demand, without buffering. The 4G LTE network gives download speeds up to five times faster for an 8GB HD movie, giving more immediate access to films when you want them. The Galaxy SII LTE provides one2free customers with outstanding sound fidelity, and customers can download the latest albums in seconds from Musicholic™, the on-demand CD-quality audio service with one of the largest music databases in Hong Kong. The HTC One XL comes with an amazing 8-megapixel HD camera with smart flash to capture life’s magic moments, and one2free’s 4G LTE network enables customers to upload their photos in less than six seconds to social networking sites to share with friends.

The new short film competition reflects the rise of mobile video, particularly amongst tablet users, 62% of whom frequently watch video online, from short clips to full movies*. The competition is designed to demonstrate how the total 4G experience from one2free will accelerate this trend. one2free’s 4G LTE network enables customers to stream or download high definition multimedia content on the go and in a way consumers have never experienced before.

Designed for the film community and amateur film enthusiasts, the competition kicks off with a teaser video that tells the beginning of a love story, and contestants are invited to submit their ending to the story in a video that depicts Life on a Faster Timeline. Contestants have the opportunity to win the 4G experience with a six-month one2free data plan and a suite of 4G LTE devices, including the Samsung Galaxy Tab 8.9 LTE,  the Samsung Galaxy SII LTE smartphone, and a 4G LTE Pocket Wi-Fi.

one2free has also teamed up with Alive Not Dead, an online community dedicated to connecting and strengthening artistic communities to promote the competition. Judging the competition to decide the overall winner will be film director Daniel Chan and one2free.

To be in with a chance of winning contestants needs to upload their videos to YouTube labeled with the contest tag fastloveone2free4glte. From 14 May to noon on 30 May 2012, the one2free Facebook page will share one of the best tagged videos each Monday, Wednesday and Friday. One grand prize winner and nine runners-up will be selected to receive one of the Samsung 4G LTE devices as their prize at a special presentation on 8 June 2012. For more details on the Fast Love Short Film Competition , click here.

one2free customers can purchase the Samsung Galaxy Tab 8.9 LTE and HTC One XL starting from today. These products are available in one2free shops, via the 24-hour sales hotline on 29 722 123, or at www.one2free.com.

  • Nielsen: Hong Kong Digital Behaviour Insights Report, 2011

About one2free

one2free is a community brand with a mission to provide the Hong Kong consumer with a better, wider and faster mobile communications experience at exceptional value. one2free believes in making innovation affordable for everyone.

In 2011, one2free continued to raise the bar as the only mobile operator in Hong Kong to have commercially launched the cutting-edge 4G LTE-DC* network technology citywide.

Transforming the telecoms retail scene in Hong Kong, consumers can also discover the world of one2free at its new 6,000 square foot flagship store in the heart of Mongkok. An immersive experience designed to bring to life the simplicity and benefits of mobile communications for consumers everywhere – experience entertainment, music and personalised accessories like never before.

For more information, please call one2free at 29 722 123 or visit www.one2free.com. We can't wait to see everyone's ideas. 

Don't forget the deadline is May 30th! | Alive的藝術家和社區成員請注意 - 

正如你可能已經看到最近幾天的Banner廣告,我們有另一個不錯的創意大賽給您!來自我們的合作夥伴的one2free,重點在製片人。他們已經發布了一個開放式的短片,稱為 "Fast Love"  和你的挑戰一個合適的結局或 使用您的版本表達「Life on a Faster Timeline」的概念 !讓我們看看詳情 -

Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3aLWB30hQWI[![](/attachments/2012/05/09/16/1_201205091624132.thumb.jpg)](/batch.download.php?aid=10934013)[點擊這裡有關比賽詳情](http://one2free.hkcsl.com/jsp/whats_hot/news_and_promotions/samsung_4g.jsp?language=tch#video) 以及條款和條件是的,有我們AnD的藝術家 Daniel Chan 將挑選獲獎者的評判之一。

從新聞稿的one2free這裡有更多的背景內容 -


「Fast Love」微電影創作比賽 為港人隨時捕捉生活點滴喝采香港,2012年5月3日 — one2free帶來全方位的4G多媒體流動新體驗,讓客戶隨時隨地即時享受獨一無二的資訊娛樂體驗。客戶現只需繳付3G服務計劃的價錢,便可享受one2free強大卓越的4G LTE網絡、自選Studio及Musicholic™獨家的高清內容、及一系列的4G通訊裝置,包括:Samsung Galaxy Tab 8.9 LTE、HTC One XL、Galaxy SII LTE;one2free提供最新的4G流動通訊裝置以及全方位的4G新體驗以迎合客戶不同的個人需求。

one2free今日公布舉辦的「Fast Love微電影創作比賽」,利用時興的網絡短片,宣揚日常生活中隨心享受one2free全方位4G流動通訊體驗的概念。one2free配備成熟穩定的網絡及設備技術,讓客戶在一瞬間便能極速流暢地分享多媒體內容。one2free客戶更可透過「Fast Love微電影創作比賽」,表達自己的生活態度,將無限創意傳遍至香港每一個角落。

大眾客戶市場總監Joehan Martinus表示︰「香港人生活節奏急速,而且講求效率,我們的4G LTE網絡正好滿足這種需求,加上4G LTE技術正在改善客戶的生活消費模式,成為現今香港所追尋的生活態度。我們所舉辦的微電影創作比賽正迎合全新的流動生活模式,讓客戶可隨時隨地享受高清多媒體資訊娛樂,媲美置身家中觀看電影或播放CD的高質音樂享受,如one2free獨家應用程式自選Studio帶來的高清影片,讓客戶「觸」發全新高清多媒通訊體驗。」

全港首部4G LTE 平板電腦Samsung Galaxy Tab 8.9 LTE採用靈活和直覺的介面、更大的屏幕和纖巧的設計,帶來極致流動影片新體驗。用家可透過自選Studio收看賽馬及網上直播將於5月20日舉行的歐洲國家盃決賽,免卻一般觀看線上短片時的緩衝煩惱,隨時享受無間斷的影片;用家亦可以透過4G LTE以比一般快5倍的速度下載一齣8GB的高清電影,一氣呵成欣賞整套電影。Samsung Galaxy SII LTE配備完美出色的音質,one2free客戶可透過全港最大音樂庫之一的Musicholic™,數秒間便可下載或點播最新音樂專輯,享受媲美音樂CD的質素。HTC One XL配備800萬像素的高清鏡頭及智能閃光燈,捕捉生活上每一精彩細節,在one2free 4G網絡的支援下,客戶只需6秒便可極速上載照片到不同的社交平台,與好友分享精彩一刻。

根據統計*,百分之六十二的平板電腦用戶經常上網觀看短片及電影。one2free舉辦的微電影創作比賽正好配合流動影片隨處觀賞的熱潮,及推廣全方位的4G流動通訊體驗。one2free的4G LTE網絡提供最強的頻寬,讓客戶能以穩定流暢的速度從Musicholic™或自選Studio下載及串流高清多媒體影片或音樂,享受全新極速暢快的通訊體驗。

one2free的短片拍攝比賽專為電影界及業餘電影愛好者而設,影片以一個愛情故事作開端,參加者需拍攝並提交一段關於該愛情故情結局的短片,表達「Life on a Faster Timeline」的概念。參加者將有機會獲得合約為期6個月的one2free 4G服務計劃,盡情享受其生活資訊娛樂頻道自選Studio及Musicholic™,及可免費獲贈一系列4G LTE裝置,包括Samsung GALAXY Tab 8.9 LTE,Samsung GALAXY SII LTE及4G LTE隨身Wi-Fi。

one2free與致力推廣藝術工作的社交網站Alive Not Dead一同合作推廣是次比賽,而比賽的評審由電影製作人陳翊恒和one2free所組成,一同選出比賽的優勝作品。

參加方法非常簡單,只需將影片上載至YouTube並加上是次比賽標籤(fastloveone2free4glte)即可。由2012年5月14日至5月30日中午 one2free 會每個星期一、三及五於one2free Facebook分享一齣精選短片。頭10名的優勝者將獲邀出席2012年6月8日的頒獎典禮,除冠軍外的其餘九名優異獎得獎者則獲贈Samsung 4G LTE流動裝置乙部。詳情請瀏覽「one2free Fast Love微電影創作比賽」,或按此網頁。

由即日起,客戶可親臨one2free專門店、致電24小時銷售服務熱線29 722 123或瀏覽www.one2free.com購買Samsung GALAXY Tab 8.9 LTE 及HTC One XL。

*Nielsen: Hong Kong Digital Behaviour Insights Report, 2011


one2free 為大眾品牌, 致力為本地大眾客戶提供更好、更快、更廣闊的流動通訊體驗,讓每個人都盡享創新及物有所值的服務。

one2free不斷提升服務與網絡質素,於2011年成為本港首間提供4G LTE服務的網絡供應商。


如欲查詢更多詳情,請致電 one2free熱線29 722 123,或瀏覽 www.one2free.com. 我們急不及待看看大家的想法。

不要忘了截止日期是5月30日!|Alive的艺术家和社区成员请注意 - 

正如你可能已经看到最近几天的Banner广告,我们有另一个不错的创意大赛给您!来自我们的合作伙伴的one2free,重点在製片人。他们已经发布了一个开放式的短片,称为 "Fast Love"  和你的挑战一个合适的结局或使用您的版本表達「Life on a Faster Timeline」的概念!让我们看看详情 -

Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3aLWB30hQWI[![](/attachments/2012/05/09/16/1_201205091624132.thumb.jpg)](/batch.download.php?aid=10934013)[点击这裡有关比赛详情](http://one2free.hkcsl.com/jsp/whats_hot/news_and_promotions/samsung_4g.jsp?language=tch#video) 以及条款和条件是的,有我们AnD的艺术家 Daniel Chan 将挑选获奖者的评判之一。

从新闻稿的one2free这裡有更多的背景内容 -


「Fast Love」微电影创作比赛 为港人随时捕捉生活点滴喝采香港,2012年5月3日 — one2free带来全方位的4G多媒体流动新体验,让客户随时随地即时享受独一无二的资讯娱乐体验。客户现只需缴付3G服务计划的价钱,便可享受one2free强大卓越的4G LTE网络、自选Studio及Musicholic™独家的高清内容、及一系列的4G通讯装置,包括:Samsung Galaxy Tab 8.9 LTE、HTC One XL、Galaxy SII LTE;one2free提供最新的4G流动通讯装置以及全方位的4G新体验以迎合客户不同的个人需求。

one2free今日公布举办的「Fast Love微电影创作比赛」,利用时兴的网络短片,宣扬日常生活中随心享受one2free全方位4G流动通讯体验的概念。one2free配备成熟稳定的网络及设备技术,让客户在一瞬间便能极速流畅地分享多媒体内容。one2free客户更可透过「Fast Love微电影创作比赛」,表达自己的生活态度,将无限创意传遍至香港每一个角落。

大众客户市场总监Joehan Martinus表示︰「香港人生活节奏急速,而且讲求效率,我们的4G LTE网络正好满足这种需求,加上4G LTE技术正在改善客户的生活消费模式,成为现今香港所追寻的生活态度。我们所举办的微电影创作比赛正迎合全新的流动生活模式,让客户可随时随地享受高清多媒体资讯娱乐,媲美置身家中观看电影或播放CD的高质音乐享受,如one2free独家应用程式自选Studio带来的高清影片,让客户「触」发全新高清多媒通讯体验。」

全港首部4G LTE 平板电脑Samsung Galaxy Tab 8.9 LTE採用灵活和直觉的介面、更大的屏幕和纤巧的设计,带来极致流动影片新体验。用家可透过自选Studio收看赛马及网上直播将于5月20日举行的欧洲国家盃决赛,免却一般观看线上短片时的缓冲烦恼,随时享受无间断的影片;用家亦可以透过4G LTE以比一般快5倍的速度下载一齣8GB的高清电影,一气呵成欣赏整套电影。Samsung Galaxy SII LTE配备完美出色的音质,one2free客户可透过全港最大音乐库之一的Musicholic™,数秒间便可下载或点播最新音乐专辑,享受媲美音乐CD的质素。HTC One XL配备800万像素的高清镜头及智能闪光灯,捕捉生活上每一精彩细节,在one2free 4G网络的支援下,客户只需6秒便可极速上载照片到不同的社交平台,与好友分享精彩一刻。

根据统计*,百分之六十二的平板电脑用户经常上网观看短片及电影。one2free举办的微电影创作比赛正好配合流动影片随处观赏的热潮,及推广全方位的4G流动通讯体验。one2free的4G LTE网络提供最强的频宽,让客户能以稳定流畅的速度从Musicholic™或自选Studio下载及串流高清多媒体影片或音乐,享受全新极速畅快的通讯体验。

one2free的短片拍摄比赛专为电影界及业馀电影爱好者而设,影片以一个爱情故事作开端,参加者需拍摄并提交一段关于该爱情故情结局的短片,表达「Life on a Faster Timeline」的概念。参加者将有机会获得合约为期6个月的one2free 4G服务计划,尽情享受其生活资讯娱乐频道自选Studio及Musicholic™,及可免费获赠一系列4G LTE装置,包括Samsung GALAXY Tab 8.9 LTE,Samsung GALAXY SII LTE及4G LTE随身Wi-Fi。

one2free与致力推广艺术工作的社交网站Alive Not Dead一同合作推广是次比赛,而比赛的评审由电影製作人陈翊恒和one2free所组成,一同选出比赛的优胜作品。

参加方法非常简单,只需将影片上载至YouTube并加上是次比赛标籤(fastloveone2free4glte)即可。由2012年5月14日至5月30日中午 one2free 会每个星期一、三及五于one2free Facebook分享一齣精选短片。头10名的优胜者将获邀出席2012年6月8日的颁奖典礼,除冠军外的其馀九名优异奖得奖者则获赠Samsung 4G LTE流动装置乙部。详情请浏览「one2free Fast Love微电影创作比赛」,或按此网页。

由即日起,客户可亲临one2free专门店、致电24小时销售服务热线29 722 123或浏览www.one2free.com购买Samsung GALAXY Tab 8.9 LTE 及HTC One XL。

*Nielsen: Hong Kong Digital Behaviour Insights Report, 2011


one2free 为大众品牌, 致力为本地大众客户提供更好、更快、更广阔的流动通讯体验,让每个人都尽享创新及物有所值的服务。

one2free不断提升服务与网络质素,于2011年成为本港首间提供4G LTE服务的网络供应商。


如欲查询更多详情,请致电 one2free热线29 722 123,或浏览 www.one2free.com. 我们急不及待看看大家的想法。

不要忘了截止日期是5月30日! |Attention alive artists and community members -- 

As you may have seen from the banner ads running the last few days,  we have another great creative contest for you!  This one comes from our partner one2free and focuses on filmmakers.  They've released an open ended short film called "Fast Love"  and your challenge is to make a suitable ending for it!  Check out the announcement -

Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3aLWB30hQWI[![](/attachments/2012/05/08/20/1_201205082000152.thumb.jpg)](/batch.download.php?aid=10932378)[Click for the full contest announcement](http://one2free.hkcsl.com/email/1205/4g_vdo_comp/index_eng.htm) and terms and conditions Yes that's right,  AnD's own, director Daniel Chan will be one of the judges picking the winners.

Here's the press release from one2free with more background -

one2free gives customers the total 4G multimedia experience‘Fast Love Short Film Competition’ celebrates the reality of life on the go for consumers Hong Kong, 3 May 2012 – one2free provides the total 4G multimedia experience on the go, to give customers the freedom to instantly access their personal entertainment experiences any time, anywhere. With one2free’s total 4G experience, customers reap the benefits of the combination of a superior 4G LTE network, HD content from Studio on Demand and Musicholic™ channels and a new range of 4G devices, the Samsung Galaxy Tab 8.9 LTE, HTC One XL and Galaxy SII LTE, all available at 3G prices. These new devices further extend the options one2free customers have for finding the 4G devices that fit their individual needs.

one2free today launches the Fast Love Short Film Competition to demonstrate how one2free’s total 4G experience is helping Hong Kong consumers to experience life the way they desire. 4G LTE technology now provides a mature mobile broadband network, coupled with the increasing sophistication of device technology enabling people to seamlessly share multimedia content in an instant. The short film competition is an avenue for one2free customers to express themselves and their lives creatively and share that expression with the rest of Hong Kong’s switched-on society.

“Hong Kongers have a faster lifestyle and they expect everything in an instant,” says Joehan Martinus, Director, Mass Marketing. “With our 4G LTE network we are able to match that, and 4G is changing the way people consume content – making a desired lifestyle a reality for today’s Hong Kong. Our short film competition is a celebration of this mobile lifestyle’s coming of age to enable HD multimedia content on the move that rivals the immediate, high-quality experience you get at home watching your TV or listening to CDs. The introduction of HD content to Studio on Demand creates a whole new HD multimedia experience that’s accessible through every screen.”

As the first 4G tablet in Hong Kong, the Samsung Galaxy Tab 8.9 LTE has a flexible, intuitive interface and larger display in a compact design, for the ultimate in portable video viewing. Users can access content from Studio on Demand such as horse racing and the UEFA Champions League final, on 20 May, from Studio on Demand, without buffering. The 4G LTE network gives download speeds up to five times faster for an 8GB HD movie, giving more immediate access to films when you want them. The Galaxy SII LTE provides one2free customers with outstanding sound fidelity, and customers can download the latest albums in seconds from Musicholic™, the on-demand CD-quality audio service with one of the largest music databases in Hong Kong. The HTC One XL comes with an amazing 8-megapixel HD camera with smart flash to capture life’s magic moments, and one2free’s 4G LTE network enables customers to upload their photos in less than six seconds to social networking sites to share with friends.

The new short film competition reflects the rise of mobile video, particularly amongst tablet users, 62% of whom frequently watch video online, from short clips to full movies*. The competition is designed to demonstrate how the total 4G experience from one2free will accelerate this trend. one2free’s 4G LTE network enables customers to stream or download high definition multimedia content on the go and in a way consumers have never experienced before.

Designed for the film community and amateur film enthusiasts, the competition kicks off with a teaser video that tells the beginning of a love story, and contestants are invited to submit their ending to the story in a video that depicts Life on a Faster Timeline. Contestants have the opportunity to win the 4G experience with a six-month one2free data plan and a suite of 4G LTE devices, including the Samsung Galaxy Tab 8.9 LTE,  the Samsung Galaxy SII LTE smartphone, and a 4G LTE Pocket Wi-Fi.

one2free has also teamed up with Alive Not Dead, an online community dedicated to connecting and strengthening artistic communities to promote the competition. Judging the competition to decide the overall winner will be film director Daniel Chan and one2free.

To be in with a chance of winning contestants needs to upload their videos to YouTube labeled with the contest tag fastloveone2free4glte. From 14 May to noon on 30 May 2012, the one2free Facebook page will share one of the best tagged videos each Monday, Wednesday and Friday. One grand prize winner and nine runners-up will be selected to receive one of the Samsung 4G LTE devices as their prize at a special presentation on 8 June 2012. For more details on the Fast Love Short Film Competition , click here.

one2free customers can purchase the Samsung Galaxy Tab 8.9 LTE and HTC One XL starting from today. These products are available in one2free shops, via the 24-hour sales hotline on 29 722 123, or at www.one2free.com.

  • Nielsen: Hong Kong Digital Behaviour Insights Report, 2011

About one2free

one2free is a community brand with a mission to provide the Hong Kong consumer with a better, wider and faster mobile communications experience at exceptional value. one2free believes in making innovation affordable for everyone.

In 2011, one2free continued to raise the bar as the only mobile operator in Hong Kong to have commercially launched the cutting-edge 4G LTE-DC* network technology citywide.

Transforming the telecoms retail scene in Hong Kong, consumers can also discover the world of one2free at its new 6,000 square foot flagship store in the heart of Mongkok. An immersive experience designed to bring to life the simplicity and benefits of mobile communications for consumers everywhere – experience entertainment, music and personalised accessories like never before.

For more information, please call one2free at 29 722 123 or visit www.one2free.com. We can't wait to see everyone's ideas. 

Don't forget the deadline is May 30th!

接近 12 年 前 0 赞s  1 评论  0 shares
Admin bear cimg7673
Admin bear has a really funny idea for this but can't do it because we're a partner in this ... doh! :-P
接近 12 年 ago


Hi, I am Admin Bear and this is the alivenotdead.com company blog. hi,我是小編熊仔,這是 alivenotdead.com 公司的博客


Hong Kong
November 13, 2006