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DJ Noodles returns to HK for alivenotdead.com's National Day Eve Party!|DJ Noodles 重來香港到alivenotdead.com國慶日前夕派對!|DJ Noodles 重来香港到alivenotdead.com国庆日前夕派对

The night before the October 1st Holiday in Hong Kong,  alivenotdead.com is teaming up with OptionPR to bring one of our favorite Taiwan artists,  DJ Noodles to host an event at HYDE, the newest club in Central Hong Kong: 

For those who don't know, DJ Noodles was the first female DJ ever to reach the finals of the WORLD DMC Championship.   She is the resident DJ at Luxy, one of Taipei's biggest clubs and regularly tours across Asia.   She last spun at the alivenotdead.com 2010 New Years party last year,  so we're looking forward to seeing her again!

Here's a cool video of her spinning in Nanjing earlier this year -

Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u1RWXAmvChE

You can RSVP and buy tickets online here:


ps - This month's event will actually be a warm-up for our 3rd Annual DEAD NOT ALIVE Halloween party, which will be held at Hyde ( on BOTH floors) exactly one month later on October 30th.  Tickets for that event go on sale next week.  Don't forget we sold out last year, so be sure to RSVP now and get your tickets right away!

                                            |           在香港10月1日假期前一晚,alivenotdead.com和OptionPR合作,邀請到我們其中一位特別喜愛的臺灣藝術家,  

DJ Noodles 在香港中環的最新夜店HYDE演出:

不知道的朋友,DJ Noodles是世界第一位進入DMC DJ大賽之女性參賽者。她是臺灣其中一間最大的夜店Luxy常駐DJ和常在亞洲巡迴演出。她去年在 alivenotdead.com 2010 新年派對中打碟  ,所以我們很期待再次看到她!


Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u1RWXAmvChE



附言-這個月的活動會是我們 3周年DEAD NOT ALIVE萬聖節派對的前奏,派對會在 Hyde ( 全兩層)一個月後10月30日舉行。門票將會在下星期開售。不要忘記去年我們賣光了全部門票,所以一定要現在預留活動然後馬上買票!


DJ Noodles 在香港中环的最新夜店HYDE演出:

不知道的朋友,DJ Noodles是世界第一位进入DMC DJ大赛之女性参赛者。她是台湾其中一间最大的夜店Luxy常驻DJ和常在亚洲巡迴演出。她去年在 alivenotdead.com 2010 新年派对中打碟  ,所以我们很期待再次看到她!


Video: http: //www.youtube.com/watch?v=u1RWXAmvChE你可以从这裡预留和买票:

http://www.alivenotdead.com/alivenotdead/National- Day-Eve-Party-DJ-Noodles-at-Hyde--event- 1073598.html

附言-这个月的活动会是我们 3周年DEAD NOT ALIVE万圣节派对的前奏,派对会在 Hyde ( 全两层)一个月后10月30日举行。门票将会在下星期开售。不要忘记去年我们卖光了全部门票,所以一定要现在预留活动然后马上买票!

| The night before the October 1st Holiday in Hong Kong,  alivenotdead.com is teaming up with OptionPR to bring one of our favorite Taiwan artists,  DJ Noodles to host an event at HYDE, the newest club in Central Hong Kong: 

For those who don't know, DJ Noodles was the first female DJ ever to reach the finals of the WORLD DMC Championship.   She is the resident DJ at Luxy, one of Taipei's biggest clubs and regularly tours across Asia.   She last spun at the alivenotdead.com 2010 New Years party last year,  so we're looking forward to seeing her again!

Here's a cool video of her spinning in Nanjing earlier this year -

Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u1RWXAmvChE

You can RSVP and buy tickets online here:


ps - This month's event will actually be a warm-up for our 3rd Annual DEAD NOT ALIVE Halloween party, which will be held at Hyde ( on BOTH floors) exactly one month later on October 30th.  Tickets for that event go on sale next week.  Don't forget we sold out last year, so be sure to RSVP now and get your tickets right away!

over 13 years ago 0 likes  2 comments  0 shares
45862083 0af2fd4d5d
The best party Hyde will have seen up to this point I'd say!?!
over 13 years ago


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