Official Artist
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Artist categories and more | 藝術家分類及其他

It's been a while since we've announced new features and improvements on [alive not dead], but fear not -- the [alive not dead] team has been working hard to add more great artists and add new features.

Here are a couple of the recently launched features that you should check out:

| 自從上次發布了新功能和一些改進之後,有段時間沒跟大家報告進展了。現在有新消息—經過[alive not dead]團隊的努力勤奮工作,我們又推出了更多優秀藝術家和新功能!


| 自从上次发布了新功能和一些改进之后,有段时间没跟大家报告进展了。现在有新消息—经过[alive not dead]团队的努力勤奋工作,我们又推出了更多优秀艺术家和新功能!

[if !supportLineBreakNewLine]


As we've grown to over 100 official artists, we've launched a new way of exploring through all of them through new artist categorization and search features. Visit the Artists page frequently to see who's been recently added and explore by categories like Actors/Actresses, Models, Singersand more.

With nearly 120 artists, the new features will make it easier for you to find great new artists. Check it out now!

| 我們現在有超過100名藝術家,為了方便大家察看和搜索,我們用新的 藝術家類別及搜索功能加以區分。你可以經常查看 藝術家列表演員模特歌手等等,看看又有誰新加入了。

通過分類,你更容易在近120人的大群體裏找到心儀的藝術家。現在就 去看!

  | 我们现在有超过100名艺术家,为了方便大家察看和搜索,我们用新的 艺术家类别及搜索功能加以区分。你可以经常查看 艺术家列表演员歌手等等,看看又有谁新加入了。

通过分类,你更容易在近120人的大群体里找到心仪的艺术家。现在就 去看!

Have you tried the "My Feeds" feature yet? It's available as the button right below your headshot on the homepage. It collects all of the recent postings from your various subscrīptions. Well, we've "My Feeds" even better by including photo albums from your friends and people that you're "a fan of...". This way, you won't miss any of the great entries or photos that they've uploaded recently. Bookmark the page and you'll be updated with the latest goings-on from your various friends.

| 有沒有用過”我訂閱的空間”?這個很有用的按鈕就在登錄之後 首頁,你的頭像下面。那是你訂閱的所有空間最近更新的內容集合,當然還包括所有更新的相冊。通過這個方式,你不會錯過所有訂閱空間最新發布的博客或照片。收藏該頁,你就能隨時知道朋友們的最新活動和進展了。

|有没有用过”我订阅的空间”?这个很有用的按钮就在登录之后 首页,你的头像下面。那是你订阅的所有空间最近更新的内容集合,当然还包括所有更新的相册。通过这个方式,你不会错过所有订阅空间最新发布的博客或照片。收藏该页,你就能随时知道朋友们的最新活动和进展了。

We've also been busy making various fixes and improvements:

  • A small number of users have been experiencing log-in or commenting (i.e. the security verification code was erroneous) problems. We've recently made some fixes that should repair this problem, but you might need to log-out and log back in in order to see the repaired changes.

  • Have you noticed that the site is running faster? We've recently moved the web site from the United States to a new, better location in Singapore which is much better equipped to provide service around-the-world, especially to our Asia-based readers. U.S. and Europe readers should be minimally impacted, but, just in case, we hope to install some additional servers in the U.S. soon that will help speed up your access from the U.S. and Europe.

  • We've now hit over 118 official artists and 36,000 members on our growing community. Thanks to everyone for helping our community of artists GROW and we hope to that we can continue to provide a great service to all of our established and new members.


| 我們還為各種改進忙碌著:




| 我们还为各种改进忙碌着:

  • 一些会员遇到了登录或发表评论出问题(如验证码出错)。我们最近做了一些改进,修复了这些问题。但你可能需要退出并重新登录,就能正常使用了。[if !supportLineBreakNewLine]

[endif]- 你有没有注意到最近网站的速度快了很多?我们把服务器从美国搬到了新加坡,那里提供的服务和设备都是世界著名的,尤其是针对亚洲用户。在美国和欧洲的用户可能会小小受影响,但我们很快会在美国安装另外的服务器。



-- "[alive not dead] is growing, and the [alive not dead] team is growing, too! We miss you, Terence!"

Luv, Admin Bear

| --“[alive not dead]在成長,[alive not dead]團隊也在壯大!我們想念你,子維!”


|--“[alive not dead]在成长,[alive not dead]团队也在壮大!我们想念你,子维!”爱你们的,小编熊仔

over 16 years ago 0 likes  11 comments  0 shares
Photo 22991
Yeps noticed all the updates u toked about. Good job done~ Moved to Singapore, as in wat the physical office??? Where???
over 16 years ago
45862083 0af2fd4d5d
admin bear moved the website's servers to singapore (although etchy will be making an appearance at the Swissotel Stamford in the next few days). :-P
over 16 years ago


Hi, I am Admin Bear and this is the alivenotdead.com company blog. hi,我是小編熊仔,這是 alivenotdead.com 公司的博客

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Member Since
November 13, 2006
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