Aimee Chan
演员, 模特儿, 平面设计师
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Antique Treasures! | 古玩珍品!


It's been a bit busy lately with dance rehersals & a few photoshoots . Thanks for all the comments regarding Trance, I love techno music. I know it's a bit old school but it can draw out so much emotion from the person listening to it. (or is this just me!?) I remember my frist "trance" cd that I was introduced too was Robert Miles. His "Children" got me bobbing my head on my mp3 player for the rest of the month. I'm definitley going to hit HMV again to purchase a few more cd's. I have this thing where I can't download Trance music online (itunes) I need to feel the actual package in my hands so that I can study the design. Techno CD cover designs are usually pretty interesting graphic wise.

I shot some "making of" photos at my photoshoot but will have to wait until they put out the photos for me to post them here.

I took a trip to the " Antique Market " in Sherng Wan the other day and fell in love with this art deco ring at one of the boutiques. It was a "man's" ring but it was gorgeous. It was a firestone set in gold.  I lost faith in the store's honesty though when the owner gave me this long speech about another antique piece I picked out, was from Europe and that it was made from all this expensive materials...blah blah. (Sigh)  I looked at the back and found a signature and recognized it as a costume jewelery designer from  the 70's and she was a Canadian designer. When I pointed out her mistake nicely, she didn't even had the nerve to look at me. Regardless to say, the brooch was WAY overpriced for who the designer was and I didn't even bother consider the art deco ring. I LOVE love antique markets....so much treasure and history can be found in the big massive pile of mess.


Nite for Aimee! Cheers to all!  MUAH!!!!!  



最近一直忙於舞蹈排練和許多拍照的工作。謝謝大家關於Trance的留言,我愛電子樂。可能我有點懷舊,但電音能帶動聽者太多情緒(或者這就是我!?)還記得被人推薦去買的第一張Trance CD是Robert Miles的,他的"Children"專輯我用mp3播放器聽了一個月。我肯定還會去HMV買更多CD,無法在線下載(itunes)Trance音樂時可以聽CD。學習設計的時候需要靈感讓我下筆如有神,而電音CD的封面設計通常都是很有意思的聰明構圖。


昨天去逛了Sherng Wan古玩市場,在一家小店愛上了一個藝術設計戒指,是只華貴的男戒,黃金上鑲嵌了火石。店主對我拿起的另一件古物開始了長篇大論的推銷,說這是從歐洲來的珍品,用非常昂貴的材料制作…等等等等(唉),我快被她侃暈了。但當我翻看這東西的背面時發現了一個簽名,認出這是一位70年代出生的服裝及珠寶設計師的作品,而她是加拿大人。我很委婉地指出她的錯誤,結果她根本沒勇氣直視我的眼睛。不管怎麽說,單就該設計師的作品而言,這只胸針的索價太高了,所以我根本沒考慮問那只藝術設計戒指的價錢。我超愛古玩市場…你能在一大堆亂七八糟的東西裏發掘出許多珍寶和歷史。xo,



最近一直忙于舞蹈排练和许多拍照的工作。谢谢大家关于Trance的留言,我爱电子乐。可能我有点怀旧,但电音能带动听者太多情绪(或者这就是我!?)还记得被人推荐去买的第一张Trance CD是Robert Miles的,他的"Children"专辑我用mp3播放器听了一个月。我肯定还会去HMV买更多CD,无法在线下载(itunes)Trance音乐时可以听CD。学习设计的时候需要灵感让我下笔如有神,而电音CD的封面设计通常都是很有意思的聪明构图。


昨天去逛了Sherng Wan古玩市场,在一家小店爱上了一个艺术设计戒指,是只华贵的男戒,黄金上镶嵌了火石。店主对我拿起的另一件古物开始了长篇大论的推销,说这是从欧洲来的珍品,用非常昂贵的材料制作…等等等等(唉),我快被她侃晕了。但当我翻看这东西的背面时发现了一个签名,认出这是一位70年代出生的服装及珠宝设计师的作品,而她是加拿大人。我很委婉地指出她的错误,结果她根本没勇气直视我的眼睛。不管怎么说,单就该设计师的作品而言,这只胸针的索价太高了,所以我根本没考虑问那只艺术设计戒指的价钱。我超爱古玩市场…你能在一大堆乱七八糟的东西里发掘出许多珍宝和历史。



16 年多 前 0 赞s  10 评论s  0 shares
45862083 0af2fd4d5d
wow, she picked the wrong customer to try to rip off! i would never try to buy anything antique... cause I know that I'd have no idea if it was real or not, therefore i must assume its not, which means its not worth whatever they're charging (in other words I'm too cynical to buy anything with the word 'antique' associated with it) :-D art deco design rules btw!
16 年多 ago
LOL, I must constantly insist it's iTunes I'm downloading from....LEGALLY ! LEGALLY!
16 年多 ago


Welcome to my space on Alive Not Dead! It's great to be here and I look forward to speaking to everyone here.I'll be updating this space often so...STAY TUNED


Hong Kong
May 17, 2007