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Jay FC
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UK Urban Artists in HK

Just a reminder that tomorrow night, Schoeni Gallery launches it's new collaboration with UKadapta with an exhibition of works from 5 of the UKs leading urban artists. The boys from UKAdpata and four of the artists are already in HK and just dropped by the studio, so I promised I'd give them another plug...

The exhibition entitled ATTENTION SPAM features artists Cyclops, David Bray, D*Face, Word to Mother and Vesna Parchetand runs Nov 14 to Dec 10.

It's all good stuff and it's good to see it over here. But – press play on broken record – let's not forget that there is plenty of quality home-grown talent right here that could really use this kind of professional support from the galleries, corporates and often fickle punters.

Vernissage (fancy word for launch party) is from 6:30pm – 8:30pm tomorrow night (Thursday)at Schoeni Main Gallery, 21-31 Old Bailey Street, Central, Hong Kong

about 16 years ago 0 likes  1 comments  0 shares
Djbam f8 djbam
looks like an awesome exhibit.
about 16 years ago


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