Official Artist
Jay FC
Art Director , Graphic Designer , Magazine Editor
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Sakura & Snowboarding

I just got back to town after a much needed break and two weeks in Japan. First stop was Tokyo were some good friends were married in a traditional ceremony at a Shinto shrine. It was an amazing event on the most perfect spring day – the courtyard of the shrine was filled with cherry blossom, fluttering about like giant snowflakes. Nice.

Then it was off to catch the very end of the snowboarding season in Niseko. There was still plenty of snow up the mountain and although it wasn't exactly Niseko's famed powder conditions, it was still well worth the visit and the warm, clear skies made for some spectacular views. Plus it was nice to be reminded what fresh, clean air is like.

over 16 years ago 0 likes  4 comments  0 shares
45862083 0af2fd4d5d
so wrong! :-D
over 16 years ago
Doryuk 63 doryuk
glad you managed to go get some pow... damn is that you in mid air !! you have improved somewhat since i last boarded with you !!
over 16 years ago


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January 21, 2008