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The 7th Asian Film Awards Recognise Michelle YEOH Choo-Kheng with Excellence in Asian Cinema Award|「第七屆亞洲電影大獎」 頒發「卓越亞洲電影人大獎」予國際巨星楊紫瓊|「第七届亚洲电影大奖」 颁发「卓越亚洲电

Note: Special thanks go to Photographer Paul TSANG for the photo of Michelle YEOH

Hong Kong, 31 January 2013 – The Hong Kong International Film Festival Society (HKIFFS) today announced renowned actress Michelle YEOH as the recipient of its Excellence in Asian Cinema Award to be presented at the Asian Film Awards (AFA) Presentation Ceremony on 18 March 2013 in Hong Kong. Michelle will attend the Presentation Ceremony to receive the Award. Previous special award winners at the AFA who have been recognised for their contribution to Asian cinema include renowned Director ZHANG Yimou, and the Busan International Film Festival Founding Director KIM Dong-ho. The Excellence in Asian Cinema Award aims to recognise and highlight outstanding talent and affirm their life long achievements and contributions to the Asian film industry.

Recently, Michelle has been actively promoting her latest production, a documentary entitled PAD YATRA: A Green Odyssey. Honoured to have received the award, she said, “Asian films and film professionals are full of energy and imagination. In fact, Asia itself is a place that breeds diversity and creativity. The region has many stories to inspire filmmakers to create works of profound significance. I am delighted to receive the Excellence in Asian Cinema Award. It is my goal to continue as an advocate of the Asian film industry and to promote a positive, strong image for Asian women in international films.”

“We are delighted to honour Michelle with the Excellence in Asian Cinema Award this year,” said Roger GARCIA, Executive Director of the Hong Kong International Film Festival Society. “Michelle has an impressive career of over 30 movies. Her incredible talent has led her from action films in Hong Kong to international works like The Lady. Her work in Chinese language cinema has helped promote it to an international audience and the global film industry. Michelle has excelled as both an action star and a serious actress – a very rare combination in this business, and practically unique. She is the perfect choice to be awarded with this prestigious honour.”

Michelle was previously the Jury President of the 3rd AFA and on the Jury at the 54th Cannes Film Festival and the 49th Berlin Film Festival. She is a member of the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences (AMPAS) which annually awards the Oscars.

With a film career spanning almost three decades, Michelle began her acting career in TV commercials and local film productions like Police Assassins, Police Story III, The Heroic Trio and The Soong Sisters, among others. With her superb acting skills and distinctive image, she shot to international stardom through roles in films like Tomorrow Never Dies, Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon and Memoirs of a Geisha. She has actively helped to promote the status of Asian actresses in the international film market and has been instrumental in breaking stereotypes of female Asian characters in Hollywood movies.

In 2011, Michelle cast off her martial-arts image by taking the leading role in The Lady, a memorable political romance based on the life of Burmese activist and Nobel Peace Prize winner Aung San Suu Kyi. Michelle has been praised for her efforts in the film, which she prepared for by travelling to Myanmar and personally meeting Aung San Suu Kyi.

From local films to international blockbusters – starring as a law enforcer or political hero – Michelle’s multi-talented personality and dazzling acting career have catapulted her to global fame, making her one of the world’s most respected actresses.About the Asian Film Awards

Inaugurated in 2007, the Asian Film Awards (AFA) is an international pioneering programme, honouring filmmakers with outstanding achievements in the field of Asian cinema. The AFA is the only platform in the world that brings together the best cinematic talents of Asia, drawing film fans and professionals from all across the globe.

The AFA Presentation Ceremony is a core event of the Entertainment Expo Hong Kong. Eminent filmmakers and superstars from around the world are invited to present awards to winners in each category, making the ceremony an elaborate extravaganza as well as an influential cultural event that helps position Hong Kong as the hub of Asian cinema.

Website: www.asianfilmawards.asia |

備註: 特別鳴謝攝影師Paul TSANG提供楊紫瓊之照片。 2013 年1 月31 日 (香港) – 香港國際電影節協會(HKIFFS)今天公布,國際影壇巨星楊紫瓊榮獲「卓越亞洲電影人大獎」,獎項將於2013年3月18日舉行之「第七屆亞洲電影大 獎」頒獎典禮上頒發,而楊紫瓊亦會親臨出席接受此殊榮。歷屆AFA的特別獎得主均為亞洲電影作出重大貢獻,當中包括名導演張藝謀、釜山國際電影節創辦人金 東虎等。「卓越亞洲電影人大獎」就是希望向享譽國際的電影人致敬,對其推動亞洲電影的卓越成就和貢獻予以肯定。楊紫瓊近日為其監製的紀錄片《綠色足跡》四出宣傳,對於獲頒「卓越亞洲電影人大獎」,她感到十分榮幸︰「亞洲電影及電影人無時無刻都充滿活力和創 意。亞洲是孕育多元創作的地方,擁有無數故事,令電影人找到更多的題材和靈感,使亞洲電影更富獨特色彩。我十分高興能獲得這個『卓越亞洲電影人大獎』,並 會繼續努力,宣揚亞洲電影,把剛柔並濟的亞洲女性特質帶到國際影壇之上。」


予楊紫瓊。曾參演超過三十部電影的楊紫瓊享譽國際,其演藝天賦讓她從本地動作片躍身到國際電影舞台,《昂山素姬》便是最佳例子。她的作品成功將華語電影推 展至國際市場,吸引海外觀眾的注目。楊紫瓊既是一位動作武打女星,亦是一位極為專業認真的女演員。能做到兩者兼備確是難能可貴,榮獲此殊榮更是實至名 歸。」

楊紫瓊曾擔任第三屆亞洲電影大獎評審團主席、第五十四屆康城影展、第四十九屆柏林影展及第八十五屆奧斯卡金像獎評審,並為「美國電影藝術與科技學 院」 (The Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences, AMPAS)會員,足見她對電影的發展及文化極為重視。

從影近三十年的楊紫瓊一直創新求變,自1984年起開始參與拍攝電視廣告及本地電影,如《皇家師姐》、《警察故事3之超級警察》、《東方三俠》及 《宋家皇朝》等。憑藉精湛演技與鮮明的形象,躋身成為國際知名武打巨星,更參與多齣影壇巨製,包括《新鐵金剛之明日帝國》、《臥虎藏龍》及《藝伎回憶錄》 等,令亞洲女演員受國際影壇所注視,更打破過往荷里活電影中亞洲女性角色的框架。

2011年,楊紫瓊一改武打女星的形象,參演以政治動盪為背景、被喻為「難以置信的愛情故事」《昂山素姬》,以淋漓盡致的演技把首位獲頒諾貝爾和平 獎的亞洲女性及她與丈夫可歌可泣的愛情展示在大銀幕上。為了取得更好的拍攝效果,楊紫瓊隻身遠赴緬甸拜訪昂山素姬,可見她的專業精神及對演戲的執著。



於2007年創辦的亞洲電影大獎(Asian Film Awards,簡稱 AFA),是首個為表揚亞洲電影業傑出人士而舉行的頒獎典禮,亦是全球唯一一個讓全亞洲台前幕後精英聚首一堂的盛會,吸引業界及影迷的參與和注目。


網址: www.asianfilmawards.asia |

备注: 特别鸣谢摄影师Paul TSANG提供杨紫琼之照片。#

2013 年1 月31 日(香港) – 香港国际电影节协会(HKIFFS)今天公布,国际影坛巨星杨紫琼荣获「卓越亚洲电影人大奖」,奖项将于2013年3月18日举行之「第七届亚洲电影大 奖」颁奖典礼上颁发,而杨紫琼亦会亲自出席接受此殊荣。历届AFA的特别奖得主均为亚洲电影作出重大贡献,当中包括名导演张艺谋、釜山​​国际电影节创办 人金东虎等。「卓越亚洲电影人大奖」就是希望向享誉国际的电影人致敬,对其推动亚洲电影的卓越成就和贡献予以肯定。

杨紫琼近日为其监制的纪录片《绿色足迹》四出宣传,对于获颁「卓越亚洲电影人大奖」,她感到十分荣幸︰「亚洲电影及电影人无时无刻都充满活力和创 意。亚洲是孕育多元创作的地方,拥有无数故事,令电影人找到更多的题材和灵感,使亚洲电影更富独特色彩。我十分高兴能获得这个『卓越亚洲电影人大奖』,并 会继续努力,宣扬亚洲电影,把刚柔并济的亚洲女性特质带到国际影坛之上。」


予杨紫琼。曾参演超过三十部电影的杨紫琼享誉国际,其演艺天赋让她从本地动作片跃身到国际电影舞台,《昂山素姬》便是最佳例子。她的作品成功将华语电影推 展至国际市场,吸引海外观众的注目。杨紫琼既是一位动作武打女星,亦是一位极为专业认真的女演员。能做到两者兼备确是难能可贵,荣获此殊荣更是实至名归。 」

杨紫琼曾担任第三届亚洲电影大奖评审团主席、第五十四届康城影展、第四十九届柏林影展及第八十五届奥斯卡金像奖评审,并为「美国电影艺术与科技学 院」 (The Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences, AMPAS)会员,足见她对电影的发展及文化极为重视。

从影近三十年的杨紫琼一直创新求变,自1984年起开始参与拍摄电视广告及本地电影,如《皇家师姐》、《警察故事3之超级警察》、《东方三侠》及 《宋家皇朝》等。凭借精湛演技与鲜明的形象,跻身成为国际知名武打巨星,更参与多出影坛巨制,包括《新铁金刚之明日帝国》、《卧虎藏龙》及《艺伎回忆录》 等,令亚洲女演员受国际影坛所注视,更打破过往荷里活电影中亚洲女性角色的框架。

2011年,杨紫琼一改武打女星的形象,参演以政治动荡为背景、被喻为「难以置信的爱情故事」《昂山素姬》,以淋漓尽致的演技把首位获颁诺贝尔和平 奖的亚洲女性及她与丈夫可歌可泣的爱情展示在大银幕上。为了取得更好的拍摄效果,杨紫琼只身远赴缅甸拜访昂山素姬,可见她的专业精神及对演戏的执着。

从本地影坛到国际演艺事业、由身手灵活的执法人员到民主英雄,杨紫琼凭着多才多艺及精彩的演艺生涯,将其演艺事业推至华人影坛的高峰,稳占国际影坛的一席位,成为享负盛名的一级巨星。 有关亚洲电影大奖 (AFA)

于2007年创办的亚洲电影大奖(Asian Film Awards,简称AFA),是首个为表扬亚洲电影业杰出人士而举行的颁奖典礼,亦是全球唯一一个让全亚洲台前幕后精英聚首一堂的盛会,吸引业界及影迷的参与和注目。


网址: www.asianfilmawards.asia

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