Official Artist
Jay FC
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Updated, Uploaded and Upscale...

Had a bit of a marathon update session today, so check out the rest of the Galleri Magazine profile here to see a selection of images from the last G4 launch event, a closer look at some of the work from the Classy Dirty Exhibition, some of the pages from the G4 mag itself and an album of random press clippings that we've recieved this past year...

Plus Stephen and the boys at alivenotdead.com have done us proud as always and put the whole of GalleriFOUR into some cunning online PDF viewer thing - so you can flick through the pages almost as if it were a book. Plus there's the option to download the soft copy if you missed out on the real thing.

But wait! There's more... Yes, more.. Check out more images from the epic G4 launch event over at the Red Dog page HEREand also at HKCLUBBING.COM and LIFESTYLE.HK

Thanks as always to everyone for supporting this project - please enjoy and we hope to see you again with a new issue in the new year.

Jay FC & Timon Wehrli

PS: Merry Christmas.. Ho Ho Ho...

over 15 years ago 0 likes  1 comments  0 shares


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January 22, 2008