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Official Artist
Jay FC
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About Jay FC

Galleri Magazine is a ChinaStylus and Red Dog Studio project. Its purpose is to show that Hong Kong’s creative community is alive and well and ready to be seen by the rest of the world.

The 148 page magazine celebrates creativity of all kinds across the board without fear or favour. It provides an outlet for ALL artists, particularly those without the means (or inclination) to immerse themselves in the traditional art world.

The magazine has a numbered, limited edition print run of 3,000 copies funded solely by ChinaStylus and Red Dog Studio. It is our way of giving back to the creative community that has been so good to us and it is hoped that it will become a trusted bridge between creators and end-users. The magazine is a non-profit making enterprise and is not an elaborate foil to sell advertising space. There are no fees for contributors and no fees for the viewers, thus leveling the field for all artists and those who appreciate artists’ work.

We are constantly looking for contributions from creative people of all kinds. So if you've got some work that needs a good audience, please get in touch...


Interesting facts about Jay FC

Languages Spoken english, cantonese, mandarin
Location Hong Kong
English Name Galleri Magazine
Member Since January 22, 2008
Fans 122
Profile Views 234,694


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Languages Spoken
english, cantonese, mandarin
Location (City, Country)
Hong Kong
Member Since
January 22, 2008