Official Artist
Eddie Chung
Music Producer
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Dance Show, Games, TV Shows, New Album, Movies, Lobsters & Kids...

I've been crazy busy lately, I have been working on my usual jobs, recently did a SK2 job featuring Katrina Lau, a UPS, a KFC, a Lipton etc.  Been working on new songs for 24Herbs album. Hope it will be out around November. I am also working on game project with a US company, can't tell you much about it yet as its top secret but it should be a very kool project. 24Herbs has been really busy also. We were just at an event for Habitat For Humanity last weekend, this weekend, we will be guests for Jan Lamb's show and in October, we will be guest for Sammi's show on Moov. We have had 3 TV shoots for Now TV and quite a few gigs. Usually I hardly talk on interviews as I don't particularly enjoy it however, for the 3 TV shows, I not only had to talk on Lam San San's show, but also had to talk and cook on Cooking Ma Ma, plus skateboarding and BMX riding and falling on DJ Mini's show... phew.. I've just finished a project for Mountain Dew in Beijing. I was the music director for this 10 episode TV show. It was a live dance show sorta like "So you think you can dance". They had auditioned groups from all over China and selected 10 of the best and put them in this TV show. Some of them were very good although their styling was a little cheesy. Even though I had been doing music for television for over 20 years, this was an interesting project for me especially as I got to go to Beijing a few times. The show is air all over China on the Travel Channel and youku.  http://minisite.youku.com/pepsi/j5m/index.phpI am about to start scoring a film shot by Wing Shya. Actually its still being shot. There are many many famous people in this film and I am quite sure it will be a great film. I am looking forward to this as it also features some of our 24Herbs boys. I recently had some friends over for dinner and had an urge to make a Russian Lobster salad. I have no idea why its Russian but I followed a recipe in a book. Although it looks simple but it was very time consuming, it was expensive also. It has artichokes, lobsters, dill, absinthe and some veg. It turned out quite good but it took like 2 hours to make and cost like $800 but enough for 8 people...My wife and I are expecting another son in December which probably explains why I have been working my ass off, kids are damn expensive to have. Check out the ultrasound below, you can see his face !! That's all for now..

almost 15 years ago 0 likes  14 comments  0 shares
Photo 22991
cool, u're busy with cool advert music to do :) And congrats too! I'm preggie again too
almost 15 years ago
Ryanhui 26 ryanhui
Congrats to you guys! That's cool. Also the food looks good too.
almost 15 years ago
37520 200909222230394 dot thumb
WOOO HOOO>..congrats !!!!!
almost 15 years ago
Doryuk 63 doryuk
thanks everyone !!
almost 15 years ago
Photo 33405
Wow congrats to you and your wife!!
almost 15 years ago


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