Official Artist
Eddie Chung
Music Producer
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Crazy Year

Phew, its been a crazy year so far so haven't had much spare time to blog. My son is now about 5 months old and he's doing well. A big congrats to 8Five2 JBS and Annie as they just had beautiful baby girl. We were texting back and forth through out their their whole ordeal. I guess I am a man with some experience in this as I have had 2 kids. Since my youngest son was born only a few months ago, the memories of the birth are still fresh and I tried to prompt them of what to expect. However, you can never really tell an expecting couple the whole story, the details about the wait, the pain, the blood would just completely overwhelm them. I hope I didn't freak them out.  I also recently sold my place where my studio Drum Music is located. Although I think its a good move, I am a little sad to leave this place, I have been in this building for over 10 years. Selling property is quite an ordeal but not nearly as much of an ordeal as buying which is what I did within about 2 months after selling. We have purchased a site in Chai Wan and its pretty dope. At 5400sqft with sea view and a very large balcony. Its double the size of my current studio. We are now in design stage and will start building in June. Although this will be our 4th major studio project, it is still both exciting and stressful. On top of the selling, buying and designing and having kids, there is work. One of the more interesting projects I am currently working on is a game for Xbox and PS3 called True Crime. Below is the trailer for it. We are also working on new songs for 24Herbs, hope to finish those soon. Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qWagXEnK-2o

about 14 years ago 0 likes  5 comments  0 shares
45862083 0af2fd4d5d
i'm looking forward to seeing what you do with the new space, its going to be hard to top the current one!
about 14 years ago
Photo 33405
good luck with the move, the new studio sounds pretty cool. we're going through a few similar things now too... moving to new place, selling old place, baby on the way... so busy busy.. =)
about 14 years ago


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