Official Artist
D.Y. Sao
Actor , Sports , Food Critic
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first off, anyone going to the AND gathering in Los Angeles?

Hope everyone can go. D miles, Justin, Sam and I are planning to go so

Obama Inauguration. January 20th, 2009. The Power of DREAMS.

i have a dream about sushi.

Let freedom ring, BITCHES


within 2 yrs., he become the most popular person in the WORLD. (or one of the most popular).

I hope he does well.


REALLY GOOD movie 8/10

-great martial arts but still doesn't compare to SHA PO LANG's  ground breaking film fight with wu jing.

-great capturing the essence of WING CHUN ( I"VE done WING CHUN also)

-acting wasn't too bad. I like the Japanese guy that they chose.

-BEAUTIFUL colors and cinematog

-only thing missing is the story wasn't that deep for me, u kno, kinda like HERO or GATTACA

QUESTION: i wonder if BRUCE LEE got the story of CHEN ZHEN from IP MAN, cuz it's like the same story haha   ???


(no i'm not in the movie haha, special thanks to MISS SCARLETT FOR THE  PHOTOSHOP WORK)

pretty good kid movie 7.5/10 recommended

-i actually grew attached to that CJ7 alien dog thing haha

  • KITTY ZHANG !!!! that is why she plays the teacher. o my lord, right? the pic on the right is currently my desktop backgroud as a matter of fact that way i don't punch my computer when mad haha.

of course you know KUNG FU HUSTLE

this is my 4th time watching 8.5/10

-i actually enjoyed this the most the 2nd time cuz i was at the PREMIERE in HOLLYWOOD (stephen CHOW was watching it with us and i was sitting by ROBIN SHOU my SI HENG)

-visuals are sick

-characters are cool and so many interesting ones

-comedy is good

-martial arts is good, the frog man and many of the cast impressed me.

COOLIE also in FLASHPOINT and IP MAN with Donnie yen.

SHE's gotta be my favorite character.

and my favorite cigarette swallowing move!!! hahaha



-too bad no KATE BECKINSALE i love that girl


her in doomsday

her posing for tomb raider game

i doubt she will be good at KATE

so yeah i was sick the past week.

anyone know what this (points below) is?

SOUTH EAST ASIANS SHOULD KNOW i gave myself a haircut after i got better. feels good to not have a headache back to what i do best haha

------------------------------------------------------------------Chillin like a Villian at Mickey D's.

"my 12 pack kinda hurts"

(insert witty caption here)

"how many hamburgers did i eat?"

practicing the pose for when i begin my charity.

the dead guy on the ground in on his cellphone.

just wanted to post this old pic MELLY made.




i'm not sure of the story yet but all i know is i come out of this girl (points below).i ...just CANT WAIT to go back in.

Another Acting Scene by DARK JUSTICE and JUST DARKNESS.

feedback pwweeeeze.

over 15 years ago 0 likes  151 comments  0 shares
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over 15 years ago
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Hey u can see me n tommy in the mirror...u finally stop crying after the coining....hahaha...jk
over 15 years ago
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u almost look tribal man...
over 15 years ago
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"there is 7 of us with our swords pointing up....U R BOUND TO GET STABBED ...BUT SOME HOW U WALK AWAY ALIVE AND WE END UP DEAD....HOW DID THAT HAPPEN???...;P
over 15 years ago
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Hey hey hey Ms. S, I'll accept that Sam doesn't rock...but I rock...ok maybe I just pebble...no? damn...I fail...
over 15 years ago
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you notice...
over 15 years ago
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how she's making pretty much the same face in both these pics...? hehe
over 15 years ago
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I can't wait to see it!
over 15 years ago
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Melly – “falling asleep on the grill?!” lmao! Too funny! We’ll see who dies during death-hug, me or you ? ::good, bad and ugly music chimes in:: samduce – well no matter how I kill you guys, you guys never die. In fact, some are in comfortable slumber and some are on the phone. Haha JRS – “Hmmm...DY with an albino fro!” LOL! hahahahhahaha your stupid with that rendition/interpretation of our acting scene haha willc627 – you really think my acting was awesome!?! :D yay!!!! gilgamesh – “LOL Yeah you never dare to punch a woman, so your screen is save~=D” you know sometimes you wanna punch those titties LOL . “Hehehe, check out the nipple size now~=D” LMAO! “Hehehe, foreskin~ish~=P” lmao! I hope u didn’t mean on a penis. If so, I hate you man. I got striped on the nipple before, it hurt. It’s a remedy for sickness.
over 15 years ago
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pokedpenguin19 – do you ever get coined? Or how you know about it? U didn’t like our vid? ::me sad:: enigma306- haha ur comments are hilarious. That director’s name is kants. Thas all I know. The red marks are a remedy for sickness called coining. Most southeast asian cultures do it. moonchild72 – too bad you can’t come down to LA. “Re: the youtube vid .. Asian decor and Mexican music??? Whaddup wif dat? Details, DY .. makes or breaks ~_^” it’s the 21st century. Chinese like mariachi lol. Roser – so rise of the lycans was actually good?  Christopher Lay- you ever been coined my friend? bleupluie - Gua Sa?! What is that? Haha. Maybe different name. in Khmer we say “goh kchal”
over 15 years ago
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Myshoko – yay I’m shmexy! Pictures can do wonders hehe Junichi Kajioka – yeah I always imitate the landlord lady when I smoke haha. Uh… what?... I don’t smoke. Hehe ;) Seeker-09 – yeah it IS a remedy for sickness yay you got it! Some people cup but this is called coining. Most southeast asian cultures do it. I’ve taught my white roommate how to also and he really saved his bro from sickness this one time. :D Justice Vancho – don’t megan2 just look fine in that pic? Goddamn! david0071978 – I didn’t get to see doomsday. So you recommend? vanness08 – ip is already out in china. I already downloaded and watched it lol. it’s tite. Ur daughter has a cj7?
over 15 years ago
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MissScarlett – I agree. Donnie yen is a machine. That’s the step past nirvana if you didn’t know. No, I had no popcorn to throw at robin. He was still mad at me for saying that I had to work so I couldn’t demo for him and then he caught me not working. LOL. flagday is always my favorite character haha. "We got our eyes on your fries..." aw man, such a perfect caption haha. AsianChick100 – do most people in china care or not about the president of the USA? Just wonderin. Luvli – “what an ugly lil creature !!! kind of looks like this guy I know ...lol” lmao! I hate u haha. “Is it me or are your arms growing by the minute? :P or maybe hour ...lol” did you think I was skinny you lil punk. Did you actually give me a compliment? Are you feeling ok today ? :P haha. Trying to be serious? We were serious … ::sad:: o0Rachada0o- “Shoot~ I want some McD's” … I got some mcD’s fo ya. Mcd’s nuts. who would say that?! Haha janechu – awesome! I might see ya huh? I don’t know why the gathering ends like at 5pm wtf?! It should go on forever and a day. silky – affair with married man? Whoa. That’s some serious stuff. Well glad to have ya back. :D the red stripes is a remedy for sickness. Some people cup but this is called coining. Most southeast asian cultures do it.
over 15 years ago
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JediJean – so did ya get to see rise of the lycans. I didn’t really hear much about it. JoanneSanderson – thanks for the nice remarks on the acting scene. :P I owe you 5 dollars later haha Gogi Nebulana –So which one is the BEST? Kung fu hustle or ip man? Can’t be both ;P lol Jayson Li - dude kitty zhang is so fine haha. Dreamy – so…. Why won’t you be at the AND gathering in LA huH? :D
over 15 years ago
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yo ima try to make it to the mixer too
over 15 years ago


"One day I will die SO today I will eat." –D.Y.

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