Official Artist
24 Herbs
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24Herbs Part 1 "Our First MVs"|24Herbs 第一部分“我們最早的MVs”|24Herbs 第一部分“我们最早的MVs”

Hey thx to everyone who's taking part in the Linkin Park Competition by voting. You're helping in growing our music scene! Votes for 24Herbs since yesterday have been climbing, last count was 76. The contest ends in Aug 9th so, keep them coming! Vote for artist 24Herbs: alivenotdead.com/linkinparkcontest#video_8Since there's a few more days til August 9th, we thought it would be nice to recap our story from the beginning. Well actually lots of things happened at the same time. Our beginnings started around the same time as your favorite blog site...yes Alivenotdead! True to their word on supporting artist, AnD have been with us since day one. In early 2007, our very first two music videos were collaboration and sponsored by AnD (also Audiotraffic and Hardpack had vids too). It was kind of a conceptual thing, where the first one was 'a day in a life' of 24Herbs. Everyone is getting ready to get to the club to perform (Superstar). The second video is us performing at the club (24Herbs). Which not sure if everyone got that concept! hahaVideo: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OJHZiECvfhEThe video was directed by Kit Hui and filmed by Kim Chan. It was cool because it made it into a film festival in the States. Superstar is a song going after local media and entertainment people with unwarranted big egos. Seriously, it wasn't about anyone in particular unlike what the internet thought. If Big Ego people felt offended, let's say, "if the shoe fits." So many people in the industry think they're the biggest, but if you really look around, who really is the biggest? Superstar was one of the first songs we written too. It was funny how the hook came up. GS and Drunk were listening to beats in an office and Kim Chan walked in and sang in a high voice "Superstar!" over the strings. Then, we said, yeh, that's a song! Another highlight was Drunk picked a Sam Hui lyric "Teen Choi Yue Bac Chee"--a classic local thing for the intro. Right onto the second MV-24Herbs.Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fhJvCLtTH10'24Herbs' was directed by Kit Hui and 24Herbs Phat Chan. We were letting out steam on this one! Actually, none of us are angry individuals, most days we're chill, but we can still fck sht up if need be! The MV was filmed at your favorite pool lounge Racks. A funny story was that day Drunk got styled with a huge pimped-out fur coat. But it was so hot that day and with all the lights he was boiling in it! We wanted to ditch the coat, but couldn't for the sake of 'continuity!' 24Herbs became our theme song with the crowd shouting "Ya Sei, Ya Sei, Ya Sei Mei!!" Oh by the way many a beers and a whiskey bottle were finished that day. Cool, stay tuned for Part 2. Until then, let's get voting! Thanks y'all and bless alivenotdead.com/linkinparkcontest#video_8 | 嗨,感謝每個參加與Linkin Park投票對決活動的朋友。你們正在增加我們在音樂界的人氣!從昨天開始我們的票數一直在攀升,上一次統計是76票。截止到八月九號這次對決就要結束了,所以繼續來為24Herbs投票吧: alivenotdead.com/linkinparkcontest#video_8既然在八月九號之前還有一時段時間,我們覺得這是個從頭敘述我們故事的好時機。事實上很多事情是在同時發生的,我們與你們最愛的那個博客網站幾乎同時起步,對,就是和Alivenotdead! 她用真誠的言語支持藝術家,自從第一天起 AnD便於我們同行,在2007年初,我們最早的兩支MV是由AnD支持並合作完成的(Audiotraffic和Hardpack也有參與 )。那只是一種概念性的作品,那裏就是24Herbs“生涯的最開始”,那時我們每個人都準備著到club去表演(superstar)。第二支video是我們在club的表演(24Herbs)。我們並不肯定大家是不是感受到了那種概念!哈哈Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OJHZiECvfhE這個video由Kit Hui指導,Kim Chan拍攝。因為入選了美國的一個影展,所以這支MV很酷啊。Superstar是一首描寫本地媒體和藝人無端自大的歌曲。鄭重地說,它並不像網絡上認為的那樣是針對具體的某個人的,如果某個自大狂感受到了冒犯,那我們只有說,“是不是你?你自己最清楚”。音樂圈裏的很多人都認為自己是最大的腕兒,但是如果你真的環顧四周,誰能真的稱得上是最大呢?Superstar也是我們自己寫的第一批歌曲之一,它的產生很是有趣,GS和Drunk正在辦公室裏聽音樂,Kim Chan一邊往進走一邊高聲唱著“Superstar!”的旋律,於是,我們說,對啦,這是一首歌,另一處神來之筆是Drunk選取了許冠傑的一首粵語經典歌曲“天才與白癡”的歌詞作為序曲。下面是第二支MV-24Herbs.Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fhJvCLtTH10“24Herbs”由Kit Hui,24Herbs及Phat Chan指導,在這首歌裏我們釋放了壓力。實際上,我們並不是憤青,大多數時間我們很孩子氣,但是如果需要的話我們也仍然可以憤世嫉俗,這支MV是在你們最愛的酒吧Racks拍攝的,其間的一個趣事是Drunk穿了一件很拉風的毛皮大衣耍酷,可是在炎熱的天氣和那麽多的燈下他在那裏邊快被煮熟了,我們本想放棄掉大衣,但是因為怕穿幫只好作罷。 24Herbs裏有眾人的呼喊“Ya Sei Ya Sei Ya Sei Mei”(粵語:二十四,二十四,二十四味)所以成為了我們的主題曲,順便說一下,那天喝掉了很多啤酒和威士忌。 Cool ,敬請留意第二部分,現在的時間去投票啦,感謝和祝福你們大家。 alivenotdead.com/linkinparkcontest#video_8| 嗨,感谢每个参加与Linkin Park投票对决活动的朋友。你们正在增加我们在音乐界的人气!从昨天开始我们的票数一直在攀升,上一次统计是76票。截止到八月九号这次对决就要结束了,所以继续来为24Herbs投票吧: alivenotdead.com/linkinparkcontest#video_8既然在八月九号之前还有一时段时间,我们觉得这是个从头叙述我们故事的好时机。事实上很多事情是在同时发生的,我们与你们最爱的那个博客网站几乎同时起步,对,就是和Alivenotdead! 她用真诚的言语支持艺术家,自从第一天起 AnD便于我们同行,在2007年初,我们最早的两支MV是由AnD支持并合作完成的(Audiotraffic和Hardpack也有参与 )。那只是一种概念性的作品,那里就是24Herbs“生涯的最开始”,那时我们每个人都准备着到club去表演(superstar)。第二支video是我们在club的表演(24Herbs)。我们并不肯定大家是不是感受到了那种概念!哈哈Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OJHZiECvfhE这个video由Kit Hui指导,Kim Chan拍摄。因为入选了美国的一个影展,所以这支MV很酷啊。Superstar是一首描写本地媒体和艺人无端自大的歌曲。郑重地说,它并不像网络上认为的那样是针对具体的某个人的,如果某个自大狂感受到了冒犯,那我们只有说,“是不是你?你自己最清楚”。音乐圈里的很多人都认为自己是最大的腕儿,但是如果你真的环顾四周,谁能真的称得上是最大呢?Superstar也是我们自己写的第一批歌曲之一,它的产生很是有趣,GS和Drunk正在办公室里听音乐,Kim Chan一边往进走一边高声唱着“Superstar!”的旋律,于是,我们说,对啦,这是一首歌,另一处神来之笔是Drunk选取了许冠杰的一首粤语经典歌曲“天才与白痴”的歌词作为序曲。下面是第二支MV-24Herbs.Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fhJvCLtTH10“24Herbs”由Kit Hui,24Herbs及Phat Chan指导,在这首歌里我们释放了压力。实际上,我们并不是愤青,大多数时间我们很孩子气,但是如果需要的话我们也仍然可以愤世嫉俗,这支MV是在你们最爱的酒吧Racks拍摄的,其间的一个趣事是Drunk穿了一件很拉风的毛皮大衣耍酷,可是在炎热的天气和那么多的灯下他在那里边快被煮熟了,我们本想放弃掉大衣,但是因为怕穿帮只好作罢。 24Herbs里有众人的呼喊“Ya Sei Ya Sei Ya Sei Mei”(粤语:二十四,二十四,二十四味)所以成为了我们的主题曲,顺便说一下,那天喝掉了很多啤酒和威士忌。 Cool ,敬请留意第二部分,现在的时间去投票啦,感谢和祝福你们大家。 alivenotdead.com/linkinparkcontest#video_8

over 14 years ago 0 likes  5 comments  0 shares
45862083 0af2fd4d5d
thanks for the recap! you guys are doing well in the voting. we're working right now to get the fake profile's votes out of the count, you should see some of the inflated numbers jump back down to a realistic level this afternoon. (Olivier is working hard right now!) :-P
over 14 years ago
Photo 65334
where is the vid for Lankwai Wanchai? that was sooooo funny....
over 14 years ago


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