Official Artist
Violent Jokes
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back to Italy and gig in December

hello,  i am off to Italy for a couple of weeks. Violent Jokes has been out of the stages for a while... we have all been quite busy with our day jobs... we are planning a 2009 full of music, though, and we will eventually release our first EP, which is presently almost completed... For all interested, our last gig of the year will be on December 27th at the Backstage. I and Simon will be coming back from Europe right on that day, landing in the afternoon.We hope planes won't let us down. In each and every meaning.... see you all soonCla

about 16 years ago 0 likes  1 comments  0 shares


Downtempo/drum'n'bass trio, adds a lyrics-based vocalist to steadfastly jungle-based productions, performed with live instruments

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Languages Spoken
english, mandarin
Location (City, Country)
Hong Kong
Member Since
March 9, 2008