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Trashed | 一片狼籍

I just had a pre-christmas party at my place tonight, had some friends coming over, each of them was supposed to bring a bottle of beverage, as a result, my apartment was turned inside out. We started off the night with korean kimchee hot pot(a little spicy for some), then a long series of prize winning drinking games including killer etc, during the process we swiftly murdered half a dozen of moet champagne, served along with ice chocolates and frozen grapes. By the time its three to four in the morning a couple drunkard lads came over and trashed my place even further. Spilt candle wax, cigarette stench, overloading sink and disfigured sofa, imagine the rest, all i can say is thank god nobody chucked. Boy i m glad christmas comes only once a year! I was gonna post some pix to show the damage but on second thought, its just another meaningless wasted image- an unproductive way of life we urban creatures get by the 21st century :p 

p.s. As i read the comments, surprisingly you are all concerned with the cleaning issue; luckily i m the domestic type of guy who cleans up his own mess, so all my maid had to do the following day is to open up the windows and wash the glasses^^ Thank you for your concern, have a nice weekend everyone! | 今晚我邀請了些朋友,剛剛在公寓辦完一個聖誕節前party。規定每個人都要帶瓶飲料,結果我公寓從裏到外都被堆滿了。這個晚上從吃韓式泡菜火鍋(有些人覺得有點辣)開始,接著玩了很多著名的罰喝酒遊戲,比如說殺人。我們很快"謀殺"了半打酩悅香檳,還有冰巧克力和冰凍葡萄。到淩晨3、4點時,幾個醉醺醺的女士到場,把這裏糟蹋得愈加厲害:濺出的蠟燭殘液、雪茄的臭氣、堆滿的水槽和亂糟糟的沙發,其他場景自不必言,我只感謝上帝沒有人吐。好在聖誕節一年僅此一次!本想貼些照片展示現場狼籍,但思考了一秒後覺得沒意義,不過又是一張沒用的影像–21世紀我們人類的非產出生活:P


|今晚我邀请了些朋友,刚刚在公寓办完一个圣诞节前party。规定每个人都要带瓶饮料,结果我公寓从里到外都被堆满了。这个晚上从吃韩式泡菜火锅(有些人觉得有点辣)开始,接着玩了很多著名的罚喝酒游戏,比如说杀人。我们很快”谋杀”了半打酩悦香槟,还有冰巧克力和冰冻葡萄。到凌晨3、4点时,几个醉醺醺的女士到场,把这里糟蹋得愈加厉害:溅出的蜡烛残液、雪茄的臭气、堆满的水槽和乱糟糟的沙发,其他场景自不必言,我只感谢上帝没有人吐。好在圣诞节一年仅此一次!本想贴些照片展示现场狼籍,但思考了一秒后觉得没意义,不过又是一张没用的影像– 21世纪我们人类的非产出生活:P


16 年多 前 0 赞s  7 评论s  0 shares
Paulinec 1a img 1269
hope you have a cleaner!!.. nothing worse than the morning after and you still gotta live in it...
16 年多 ago



english, cantonese, mandarin, french
Hong Kong
November 8, 2007