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Victor Chen
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Like father like son | 有其父必有其子

For more than a decade, my family rarely get together. The occasions when we meet are mostly birthdays, christmas, chinese new year(no thanksgiving for us), and last but not least, mother's day. This is about it really, which makes up to no more than eight times over a year when the five of us can actually sit down and have a pleasant meal together. The strange thing is, four members of my family live only three minutes away from one another, yet we hardly, or never pay one another visits. I mean, its kinda strange isnt it? Here i am saying all this, but i know i wont be paying them visits any time soon either. I guess my family has grown apart for such a long time that it feels weird to 'patch things up'... may be i put it a little too strong, but there is no other way to put it. May be we are too busy with our separate lives, our career, our entertainment, may be, i dont know.

Back in the days when me and my sisters were kids, we get a lot of family occasions, in fact a little too much. I dont know who made up the rule that every sunday morning hong kong people have to go to dim sum, but thats basically what we did, same o restaurant, same o food, same o atmosphere; afterwards we just linger on in there for god knows how long, mostly because the grown ups have too much to discuss on stocks, and us kids just play with anything we see, even toothpick is good enough. For the night we go to our relatives, i got tons of them remember? We even pay visits to distant relatives, needless to say we have another feast; women talk about kids and men talk about mortgage, the children get a chance to mingle. I even get to befriend one or two of my second cousins from time to time, which was sweet, cos you know even if u upset them, u can just walk away and the next time u meet they probably wont remember a thing. Now that many years have passed and i realised that me too dont remember a thing. Memory fades without warning. What happened to all those family occasions? I used to like it so much, i would beg on my knees so i can stay longer with my cousins. Nowadays a two hour family dinner is the max we can do, we hardly see our relatives, let alone distant ones. Now i understand why my parents just couldnt stop taking photos of their children. To tell you the truth, in recent years there are many family occasions when i bring along the camera but forgot to use it- as the saying goes, like father, like son; if u read my previous blog, u know what i m saying.

Just to light things up a bit, tomorrow i m going out to get a christmas tree for my house party this year, wish me luck^^ (geez, i didnt invite my family)



說點開心的,明天我會為今年在家辦的party弄棵聖誕樹,祝我好運^^ (上帝,我沒有邀請家人)。



说点开心的,明天我会为今年在家办的party弄棵圣诞树,祝我好运^^ (上帝,我没有邀请家人)。

over 16 years ago 0 likes  11 comments  0 shares
45862083 0af2fd4d5d
wow great blog! you get together 8 times a year? thats 6 or 7 more than me!
over 16 years ago


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November 8, 2007