Official Artist
Victor Chen
Actor , Screenwriter , Singer
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Blue moon valley 4500m and above|海拔4500米以上的藍月谷|海拔4500米以上的蓝月谷

It has been a couple weeks since we departed from blue moon valley (蓝月谷), shangri la. The cable ride was divided into two sections, took us about 45 minutes altogether. At 4500 meters above sea level, most of our crew were running out of breath, just trying to climb a flight of steps. After ten to fifteen minutes though, most of us could adjust to the altitude(even tho running around was not advised), apart from our buddy character pig, who took about half and hour just to climb up the steps, and monkey, who had to breathe from the O2 can most of the time. From those two I gathered that body weight and breathing capacity are closely related to altitude sickness - so chubby smokers beware. There was a complimentary supply for herbal tea in a convenient store along the way, which can 'strengthen the blood' apparently, i took a cup of it, pretty useless but kept me warm nevertheless. Sun light was so immense up there, my sculp sizzled with smoke coming out.  We were told to watch out on our way down, for there are bear caves and tigers in the valley. Overall, i think its worthwhile going all the way to shoot, for we could look down to see the clouds, even though we were there to work, i felt like a tourist.

not aware of the temperature, all i know is its difficult to keep warm, notice the clouds below

it was freezing sitting on snow, at the same time the sun was boiling on my scalp

monkey and pig didnt like it up there, but the shooting went well

me looking like a tourist, sitting next to an incense furnace

its extra hard to boil an egg up there due to the lack of oxygen, fortunately for me this egg is already boiled

u dont see the end of the mounts; notice no clouds above only below

the cable ride was long, bumpy and steep, fits six ppl in each

we saw vast areas of forest on our way up, but failed to spot one single animal

the perfect image of autumn/fall

P.S It took me absolutely ages trying to upload the pictures onto the blog, china has been blocking access to AnD for some reason. Hope those of you who took the time and waited for the images find it worth while, thank you. | 我們離開香格裏拉藍月谷已經有幾周了。乘坐纜車被分為兩部分,我們一共花了約45分鐘。在海拔4500米的高度,我們大部分的工作人員都呼吸困難,只是努力爬上每一層樓梯。過了大約10到15分鐘,我們大部分人都能適應這種海拔了(雖然還不能到處亂跑),除了扮演八戒的老兄,他花了半個小時才爬完階梯。還有演悟空的演員,他大部分的時間都不得不借助氧氣罐呼吸。從他們兩位我得到結論,體重和肺活量與高原反應緊密相關 - 因此肥胖的煙民要小心了。在路上有一個便利店免費供應茶水,聲稱可以“增強血液循環”,我拿了一杯,當然沒有效果,但是依然使我感到溫暖。這裏的陽光非常好,我的雕塑嘶嘶作響,還有煙冒出來。我們被告知留意下去的路,那裏有狗熊洞,山谷裏還有老虎。總之,我認為走這些路來拍攝是很值得的,我們可以低頭看腳下的浮雲。即使到這裏是為了工作,我感覺自己像個遊客。









最美的秋景P.S我花了大把時間將圖片發到博客上來。因為某些原因,中國大陸地區被禁止登陸alive not dead 網站,希望花時間等待看圖片的各位覺得它還值得等,謝謝你們。| 我们离开香格里拉蓝月谷已经有几周了。乘坐缆车被分为两部分,我们一共花了约45分钟。在海拔4500米的高度,我们大部分的工作人员都呼吸困难,只是努力爬上每一层楼梯。过了大约10到15分钟,我们大部分人都能适应这种海拔了(虽然还不能到处乱跑),除了扮演八戒的老兄,他花了半个小时才爬完阶梯。还有演悟空的演员,他大部分的时间都不得不借助氧气罐呼吸。从他们两位我得到结论,体重和肺活量与高原反应紧密相关 - 因此肥胖的烟民要小心了。在路上有一个便利店免费供应茶水,声称可以“增强血液循环”,我拿了一杯,当然没有效果,但是依然使我感到温暖。这里的阳光非常好,我的凋塑嘶嘶作响,还有烟冒出来。我们被告知留意下去的路,那里有狗熊洞,山谷里还有老虎。总之,我认为走这些路来拍摄是很值得的,我们可以低头看脚下的浮云。即使到这里是为了工作,我感觉自己像个游客。










P.S 我花了大把时间将图片发到博客上来。因为某些原因,中国大陆地区被禁止登陆alive not dead 网站,希望花时间等待看图片的各位觉得它还值得等,谢谢你们。

over 15 years ago 0 likes  14 comments  0 shares
Photo 23632
wow, you went to blue moon valley! some place i definitely want to go in future. the pictures are gorgeous!
over 15 years ago


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english, cantonese, mandarin, french
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Hong Kong
Member Since
November 8, 2007