演员, 导演, 歌手
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To the ordinary man, and to the untrained taste buds. Food may just be something to take away the knawwwing sensation of your insides. But to the GrandMaster of Hotel Room Service...Food...is a way of living...a form of art, a masterpiece in it's way of consumption...a zen way of gluttony if you will....I say this not becus I'm a tubby chubby boy at heart. No, no... I say this becus i've finally reached pure enlightenment in this grand art form. Yes...I have achieved and, have the highest ranking Sausage linked belt in this way of life...only instead of using stripes to show the degrees of our studdlyness, we use the metric system. This is so we are able to truly measure the flexbility and discipline of our art form.

Although it was in good thought, and a nice gesture of Onimal to take out the rest of the Clan for dinner at Ruth Chris's.....WITHOUT ME!!!!!!! That is where you will see how their years of training went out the door WITHOUT ME!!!!! I've recently received pictures that I will share with you in good time.....to show you what happens......what happens when you do not have a trained professional with you while attempting this danger task. Also how dangerous it can be....(pictures provided by one of the "4 Food Group Ninja Clan")

"I don't feel too good you guys...guys???? Where the fuck did they go!?!!?? Shit.......I really...I don't feel....I'm gonna puke...Master would be so disappointed....sigh.....OH GOD.....YAK!!!***** "

"Where's Phil...?"

"I may not have the highest Sausage link metric black belt...but I'm always prepared!!!"

Lesson Of The Day- Don't eat Ruth Chris's WITHOUT ME...FACKERS!!! | To the ordinary man, and to the untrained taste buds. Food may just be something to take away the knawwwing sensation of your insides. But to the GrandMaster of Hotel Room Service...Food...is a way of living...a form of art, a masterpiece in it's way of consumption...a zen way of gluttony if you will....I say this not becus I'm a tubby chubby boy at heart. No, no... I say this becus i've finally reached pure enlightenment in this grand art form. Yes...I have achieved and, have the highest ranking Sausage linked belt in this way of life...only instead of using stripes to show the degrees of our studdlyness, we use the metric system. This is so we are able to truly measure the flexbility and discipline of our art form.

Although it was in good thought, and a nice gesture of Onimal to take out the rest of the Clan for dinner at Ruth Chris's.....WITHOUT ME!!!!!!! That is where you will see how their years of training went out the door WITHOUT ME!!!!! I've recently received pictures that I will share with you in good time.....to show you what happens......what happens when you do not have a trained professional with you while attempting this danger task. Also how dangerous it can be....(pictures provided by one of the "4 Food Group Ninja Clan")

"I don't feel too good you guys...guys???? Where the fuck did they go!?!!?? Shit.......I really...I don't feel....I'm gonna puke...Master would be so disappointed....sigh.....OH GOD.....YAK!!!***** "

"Where's Phil...?"

"I may not have the highest Sausage link metric black belt...but I'm always prepared!!!"

Lesson Of The Day- Don't eat Ruth Chris's WITHOUT ME...FACKERS!!! | To the ordinary man, and to the untrained taste buds. Food may just be something to take away the knawwwing sensation of your insides. But to the GrandMaster of Hotel Room Service...Food...is a way of living...a form of art, a masterpiece in it's way of consumption...a zen way of gluttony if you will....I say this not becus I'm a tubby chubby boy at heart. No, no... I say this becus i've finally reached pure enlightenment in this grand art form. Yes...I have achieved and, have the highest ranking Sausage linked belt in this way of life...only instead of using stripes to show the degrees of our studdlyness, we use the metric system. This is so we are able to truly measure the flexbility and discipline of our art form.

Although it was in good thought, and a nice gesture of Onimal to take out the rest of the Clan for dinner at Ruth Chris's.....WITHOUT ME!!!!!!! That is where you will see how their years of training went out the door WITHOUT ME!!!!! I've recently received pictures that I will share with you in good time.....to show you what happens......what happens when you do not have a trained professional with you while attempting this danger task. Also how dangerous it can be....(pictures provided by one of the "4 Food Group Ninja Clan")

"I don't feel too good you guys...guys???? Where the fuck did they go!?!!?? Shit.......I really...I don't feel....I'm gonna puke...Master would be so disappointed....sigh.....OH GOD.....YAK!!!***** "

"Where's Phil...?"

"I may not have the highest Sausage link metric black belt...but I'm always prepared!!!"

Lesson Of The Day- Don't eat Ruth Chris's WITHOUT ME...FACKERS!!! | 普通の人、それも、訓練されていない味蕾にとって 食べ物って、おなかのなかで騒ぐ腹ペコ虫を退治するものだったりするかも知れないね 。でも、ホテルのルームサービスの専門家(=van)にとっての・・食べ物・・って生きるための手段だったり、ワザであったり、その技を使った傑作だった り・・いうなれば大食いの禅道・・・ボクの根性がぽっちゃり小僧っていってるわけじゃないよ。 いやいや・・ついにボクはこの偉大なるワザにおいて悟りを開いたよ。 そう・・、最高級のソーセージがこのワザとベルトでつながってることに。・・・

ぼくらの友情の程度はソーセージにスジいれる代わり に センチ刻みでわかったさ。ぼくらはこのワザがどこまで持つか、訓練できるってことだ。

 夕食をしにルース・クリス(=ステーキ屋さん)に一族の残りのやつらを連れて行く鬼丸(=漫画YAIBAにでてくる、刃のライバル )のまねは面白かったし、いい考えだとは思うけど・・・「僕抜き」でさ!!!!








今日の教訓--ボク抜きでルース クリスに食べに行くな~~・・ばかああああ!!!

16 年多 前 0 赞s  46 评论s  0 shares
alrite alrite... Onimal, Daph and I will never ever-ever eat food without you again, ok? I mean, I know I ain' t no food master, but at least I'm always prepared...
16 年多 ago
Alrite, once and for all, here's the truth - We saved Van's life by eating at Ruth's Chris. If Onimal, Daph, and I really decided to never eat anything unless Van is in Hong Kong, we would surely die of starvation. And I know for a FACT that Andy-Onimal gets mad-rage when he faces even the 'likelihood' of hunger. All I know is that if we didn’t go with Onimal to Ruth's Chris that day he would surely have morphed into an unstoppable killer-berserk-creature (powered by his hunger-induced-rage, one of Andy’s real life super-powers). Then he would have LITERALLY ran over the ocean (I've seen him do it before, many times) all the way to Taiwan to eat Van Ness Wu alive... We SAVED your life, V... and eating without you (though dangerous without a 'Sausage link metric black belt' at our side) was a chance we had to take (for your sake)... We did for your safety, all for your safety! We deserve praise not condemnation!
16 年多 ago




Taipei, Taiwan
August 24, 2007