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Fashion / Costume Designer , Illustrator , Painter
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Pencils, Paint, Pen creations... New Doris Hot Temptations

Since being encouraged to step away from my beloved macbook, and to pick up the paintbrush again, I have to admit that Ive been a bit addicted, and distracted from my usual activities... in the ZONE.

Loving the smells of paint, getting all messy, singing loudly (badly out of tune - much to the annoyance of anyone else in the room), and feeling inspired.

Recent scribbles have been a bit of a breast fest (approved in large doses by the manfriend) but I think that the female form is ruddy wonderful to draw...

'Pick Me' Doris:

And, as a tribute to one of my favourite illustrators, best known for her amazing playing card collection, here is 'Ode to Connie' Doris:


over 14 years ago 0 likes  2 comments  0 shares
Photo 58618
Hi, I am an heterosexual man and I hereby approve of this breast fest. (damn, that doesn't even sound like one of those 'I approve this message' thingies... well, nevermind)
over 14 years ago
Photo 505164
My new New Year's resolution... not to look at drawings of "Pick Me" Doris too much otherwise I might go blind. hehehe ; )
over 14 years ago


Illustrator, cat obsessive unicorn believer and future castle owner.

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November 21, 2008