Official Artist
Stanley Yang
Director , Editor (Film) , Rapper
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ah...can i say...GNARLY!

can't believe i've been in the dark this whole time about this particular humanoid... Alex Grey's a**spiritual / new age / philosophical artist who is unquestionably livin' on a different plaine.....did some research on his art and damn it! i'm officially a fan...

it makes me wanna detach myself from the physical world and drift forever within my subconscious....or a huge dose of DMT would suffice....

yyyuuppp..."DMT" peoples...look it up...it's jabberwocky! haha! anyways check this dude out...

let's try and get him an "AND" account!!**  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QZddAjRtACM&feature=related

almost 16 years ago 0 likes  0 comment  0 shares


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