Official Artist
Serena Choong
MC / Show Host , DJ
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RIP King of Pop. Does that mean Pop is dead too?

6:00 am morning of my brother's birthday I roll up to work at the radio station half asleep and cursing life as usual. As soon as I open up my twitter page - a barrage of tweets about MJ's death floods thru! I think to myself surely this is a hoax.6:55 am CNN  confirms that the King of Pop is indeed dead - cardiac arrest. Paramedics found no pulse when they went to his home. And then I remember this video where he announced his July tour dates in London: Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RJgBsoyql80&feature=fvsr"This is it... this is really it.. the final curtain call"I start shivering all over - could it have been a premonition?Someone said on twitter - talent trumps controversy.As much as his life was filled with loneliness and scandals, he left us with a legacy that is priceless and will go on for generations to come I'm sure.I can't remember the amount of calls we received about your MJ moments but I bet each and everyone of us had at least one.My brother used to guard his BAD cassette with his life and sing to the King's songs in the room (thinking we couldn't hear). And I used to hide his cassette every chance I could get.He turned out alright (my brother).Happy Birthday Kenneth.May you continue to inspire us from above Michael Jackson - the one and only!Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3rTnuNRh6_k

over 15 years ago 0 likes  4 comments  0 shares
Photo 73131
You're damn right pop is dead. Actually MJ died himself in the 90's but now that he's really dead, there isn't even anyone remotely close to inheriting his mantle. Dang, American music in the millenium sucks! Brittney Spears, Justin Timberlake, American Idol, all of them... HACKS!!! I feel sorry for those kids that grow up with this without ever having a great or merely good artist to lead them. There may be only one remaining great one left but he's old. He's still living though and that's good enough for now. That is, the original King of CantoPop, Sam Hui! After Sam dies, wow, pop may become extinct.
over 15 years ago
Photo 50475
Michael is really still with us - in our heart.
over 15 years ago


I know it's been a while since I'd updated! Be back asap promise!!!

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