Official Artist
Serena Choong
MC / Show Host , DJ
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My Guardian Angel

Milo scanning, outside my bedroom.

"Don't mess with me, I'm here to guard my Serena"

See the wings? heheheh. Thanks Pat my friend who got it for Milo.

"Are you lookin' at me? Are YOU, lookin' at me?"

"See? NO one can get past my fat ass!"

"I may look like I'm asleep, but I'm not"

"I'm watching you..."

"This is how I guard - with my eyes closed. Don't be fooled"

"Uh oh mommy, I'm gettin a bit tired"

"Uh Oh..."

AND he's out!


What a guard dog - he'll probably make friends with intruders. I think I'll stick with my mase/ tazer.

about 16 years ago 0 likes  7 comments  0 shares
Photo 214991
Wo...scary guard dog! Licked to death would be pretty bad!!!
about 16 years ago
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about 16 years ago
Photo 54026
that is a really cute dog!!!
almost 16 years ago


I know it's been a while since I'd updated! Be back asap promise!!!

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July 8, 2008