Official Artist
Scott Tang
Composer , Musician , Singer
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Music Video Film Festival Premiere and Afterparty (FREE BEER)

Thanks to everyone who showed up at the music video release party on Fri night. It was awesome getting to share it with you all. Unfortunately, the surprise performance only seemed to surprise around half of you; it's like you EXPECTED me to do something unexpected...

This weekend is also gonna be a big one for our music video, as it's having its official film festival "premiere" as part of "The Gift of Sound + Vision" music video program at the 24th Annual Los Angeles Asian Pacific Film Festival, organized by Grace Su. Grace not only oversees the music video program at the film festival, but she's also putting together the official afterparty at Libertine on Sunset, "NO NEED FOR EAR PLUGS!" (I'm not sure if that's the actual name of the show, or just like a mantra, but I'm seein it everywhere in all caps)

Grace invited me to do a set during the afterparty, along with Karin Anna Cheung and Big Phony. So those of you who were at Komuzika are already acquainted w/ all of us. Apparently, it's being hosted by Kathy Uyen... who was also at Komuzika. I know that kind of makes us sound like a little cartel. Or... a traveling circus. Oh, and there will be FREE BEER for the first hour. FREE BEER. It seems like whenever I do a show w/ free alcohol, my draw increases exponentially. Freakin alkies. The event should be called FREE BEER- NO NEED FOR EAR PLUGS!

Here's the info for the music video program at the film festival:

The Gift of Sound + Vision

Sat. May 3, 7:45pm

Directors Guild of America, Theater 2

7920 Sunset Blvd.

Los Angeles, CA 90046

More info and ticket purchasing info can be found here:


And here's the info for the afterparty:


Sat. May 3, 9:30pm


8210 W. Sunset Blvd

Los Angeles, CA 90046

almost 17 years ago 0 likes  4 comments  0 shares
Photo 23697
puahaha! FREE BEER!
almost 17 years ago


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October 19, 2007