Official Artist
Sarah Lian
Actor , MC / Show Host , Model
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Professionalism and Procrastination

IMG_0776In my short stint of this stairway to stardom, I've always had the same advice given out to me- always follow up!I've attended a handful of events recently, and networking through these social events have been quite good for me as it often leads to jobs, projects, publicity, photoshoots and etc. But without following up on a meeting, sending a quick hello or a reminder to people [and important career-changing people i might add] things don't happen. I'm not a crazy event person as most of the other celebs here are, but I try my best to make some sort of impression. But that's always been a trait of mine - showing up to a Hilife party at Distrikt and being photographed every Friday. So I guess with Malaysia and the events, its on a higher playing field.I am relatively unknown and although I joke around with friends about hitting celebrity-dom in KL. Much of the world doesn't really know much about what I do or who I am. I think the worst part is when people know that I'm in entertainment, but can't seem to figure out who I am. Or perhaps people on Facebook/Friendster asking to be my friend. Not that I'm not a friendly person, I just don't think its appropriate to make friends online for no reason or just cuz they think I'm pretty or what not. Anyways, I digress.Eventing is fun. But in order to stay professional, i gotta stop procrastinating and shoot out a few emails here and there.. instead of lying in bed watching Taiwanese Dramas and realizing that my hair is back to black. I only managed to NOW email my MSP in BC. I had a fab time in the OK! Celeb Fest working with Gua to cover the event. Got to interview Fasha Sandha, Ning Baizura, Jien, and a handful more! This time I knew a couple more people at the party so I wasn't standing around like a complete fool.IMG_0777  

about 16 years ago 0 likes  0 comment  0 shares


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September 9, 2008