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Sarah Lian
Actor , MC / Show Host , Model
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If I wasn’t doing this…


(with my Citrus fellas in Toronto before I left… miss you guys!!!)

I’d have a few other ideas of how my life would be…

  1. I’d be designing fonts: I think I would’ve moved to Europe and hang out with hippies while I master the lower case “a”. I think it would mean lots of money going into art supplies and none on nice clothes. I’d be exchanging ideas and asking everyone wat is their favourite Modern Serif? LOL. (Actually I think I’m already doing this without moving to Europe!)

  2. I’d be an art director: Nothing was more fun than looking through comp cards and trying to find the perfect model for a photoshoot. Working with stylists, photographers and the beauty people behind the scenes and translating that to the pages of a magazine always made any fashion student giddy inside!

  3. I’d be a pastry chef: it took me 8 batches of cookies until I finally perfected my chewy white choc chip cookie recipe. I think everything I cook would probably taste the same – white chocolate, cinnamon and brown sugar – as I always include these ingredients in my baked goods. I hope there will be an oven in HK!!

  4. I’d be an event planner: How could I forget the party people in Toronto and my Citrus-ites! We threw the best parties every month and rocking the night away with my partners made it so fun, we’d do it all over again!! I would be the notorious girl at all the parties, turning 40 and still partying with all the industry peeps. I can guarantee I’d be a serious cougar prawning on young college boys! hahahhaa…

  5. I’d be a fashion teacher: I found my last year of school incredibly profound as one of my professors shed light on fashion in such a way that it consolidated my view of fashion. I think that inspired me to look further than the pages of Vogue or Harpers Bazaar, but more indepth as an academic discipline. I can see myself saving up for my Masters and giving it a go when I’m a little older. Maybe this would have been the profession that calls for the most stability, perhaps to settle and find a hubby in Vancouver?

Maybe one day I’ll get to do everything, what would you do if you could trade up?

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I'd have a f[..] - http://www.sarah-lian.com/blog/2009/09/05/if-i-wasnt-doing-this/)

almost 15 years ago 0 likes  0 comment  0 shares


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