Official Artist
Sarah Lian
Actor , MC / Show Host , Model
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(Thanks for the photo Cipoi! Backstage with co-host Qi memorizing lines.)

Hard work is starting to pay off… slowly but surely! I just encountered a couple articles: here and here about the Homegrown Michael Jackson Tribute at Wisma Bentley a couple weeks ago. I had a fabulous time working with Qi onstage. I think you guys might recognize him from numerous shows like award-winning Field Trip and Blogger Boy.

As most of you know, my background and experience started out with theatre for numerous years. I even have video/dvds of the plays I was in when I was younger. As I started working with different agents, only then I started doing tv commercials and extra work in movies. I dabbled a little into hosting with Peter Lee (who did Echo) in Toronto which led me to UTours in 2007. However, coming to Malaysia’s entertainment industry is a totally different ballgame. In Canada, the points of entry to the industry is quite difficult but there is an abundance of work. The positives are always Union, and proper labour protection.  Whereas Malaysia being a tad smaller, makes it a little easier. Unfortunately, small also means doing EVERYTHING.

Emcee-ing is really new to me. I’ll be the first to admit that! My first experience doing it in KL was quite horrific in my head, I dont know if it translated that badly but it plays like a bad record in my memory! Learning curve isn’t really steep when you work often but I’m starting to realize what works for me. I love huge events where I can be fun, candid and outgoing! When I can inject my personality and get the audience involved, its probably one of the best parts of the job. Being live reminds me of the adrenaline rush that would run when I had stage productions with a proper live audience, crying and laughing with me.

This entry is for the good people who have trusted that I’d bring their events to life and give the extra Ah Lian touch! ;) Thanks again for believing in me, and I things can only get better from here!

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September 9, 2008