Official Artist
Ryan Hui
Musician , Singer
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How to Kick-Flip.....!!!

It's been a good past couple of days with a photo shoot yesterday with my partners in crime Eric Kwok and Jun.  I can't show the pics yet but I think you guys will be pleasantly surprised.  I also got started on a new "how to" skateboard video for Roadshow which you guys should be seeing in all the HK buses in January. It's very basic but it was fun getting to skate with my good friends Lee-Hawk, Brian, Fa Chai.  Brian also did a blog about it on his Hypebeast site here:


Lee-Hawk teaching how to do 360 flips.  The hardest trick we're doing but the coolest for sure!

Brian (24 Herbs/Knowlege/852 shop) was great and took some cool pics and footy.  He's one of the special guests we have along with...um....I can't give it away yet.....ha.

Fa Chai landed this crazy kick-flip to 50-50! Wha!*?

Switching roles with Nigel.  He's one of the best skate filmers I've met.

Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hty4Hrx1_1IHere's the trailer of Nigel's "SKATE FIRST" dvd out very soon....

Checking out the footage at the end of the day....

Remember running around in super hero costumes?  This brought back the memories.  I was  totally down with superman!

Speaking of skating I got to do a few songs with Daniel Chan 陳曉東 a few weeks ago.  I used to skate with him and his brother Mark back when I lived in Shatin.  We were both 10 years old....man, time flies....

My dad got me my favorite chips the other day.  These things are evil and were gone in no time...

Video: http://http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jc3ZAs17uAg&feature=related Beirut is one of the coolest bands ever.  I can't stop listening to them!  They're like this indie gypsy folk band.  This clip is of them jamming in the streets.  Amazing!

about 17 years ago 0 likes  7 comments  0 shares


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April 19, 2007