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Ryan Hui
Musician , Singer
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Happy Thanksgiving !!! | 感恩節快樂!!!

We are probably one of ten families that celebrate Thanksgiving in Hong Kong which is cool because we don't have to deal with the holiday traffic like we used to.  The most important thing now is just enjoying a good meal with family and friends and be glad for what you have.  Tonight we had our Chinese influenced thanksgiving meal with everything from turkey, cranberry sauce, soy sauce ribs, curry crabs, and ox tail.  It was great and I ate so much that don't think I have to eat for the rest of the week...ha!

| 我們可能是會在香港慶祝感恩節的為數不多的家庭,很棒,因為過節當天的交通還算好。最棒的是只需跟家人和朋友一起享用美食,感恩現在所擁有的。我們家今晚吃的是中國式感恩大餐,有火雞、酸果曼沙司、醬排骨、咖喱蟹和牛尾。很美味,我吃了很多,這一個禮拜都可以不用吃飯了…哈!

| 我们可能是会在香港庆祝感恩节的为数不多的家庭,很棒,因为过节当天的交通还算好。最棒的是只需跟家人和朋友一起享用美食,感恩现在所拥有的。我们家今晚吃的是中国式感恩大餐,有火鸡、酸果曼沙司、酱排骨、咖喱蟹和牛尾。很美味,我吃了很多,这一个礼拜都可以不用吃饭了…哈!

The best dinner I've had in a while!!  How many people think "I gotta have curry crab with my turkey?"....haha.

| 近來我吃過最棒的晚餐!!有多少人想到”我要就著火雞吃咖喱蟹?”…哈哈| 近来我吃过最棒的晚餐!!有多少人想到”我要就着火鸡吃咖喱蟹?”…哈哈

This year I'm thankful for having so many great friends to play music with.  It helps so much when everyone is supportive and pushes each other to keep writing good songs.

| 今年我感恩的是有這麽多優秀的朋友一起玩音樂。大家互相支持和推動做出好歌,我獲益匪淺。 | 今年我感恩的是有这么多优秀的朋友一起玩音乐。大家互相支持和推动做出好歌,我获益匪浅。

24 Herbs and  Deep keeping everyone's spirits up during the downtime.

| 24 Herbs和Deep在停工期間一直鼓勵大家。| 24 Herbs和Deep在停工期间一直鼓励大家。

Rock legend Paul Wong with Brian of 24 Herbs!  Two of the coolest guys you'll ever meet.  Brian is shown here putting the stickers we got from Radio 903 to good use....

| 搖滾傳奇黃貫中和24 Herbs的Brian!最酷的兩個家夥。Brian在這裏展示了如何把Radio 903的物品變廢為寶…| 摇滚传奇黄贯中和24 Herbs的Brian!最酷的两个家伙。Brian在这里展示了如何把Radio 903的物品变废为宝…

I'm really thankful for my current studio dream team.  Eric Kwok, Jun Kung, Skot, and Steven have been great.  Yeah!

| 還要感謝我現在錄音棚的夢之隊。Eric Kwok、Jun Kung、Skot和Steven,大家都很棒,耶!| 还要感谢我现在录音棚的梦之队。Eric Kwok、Jun Kung、Skot和Steven,大家都很棒,耶! 

about 17 years ago 0 likes  11 comments  0 shares
Kenjilui 15 blog profile
happy thanksgiving! just had my turkey dinner last night.
about 17 years ago
Photo 33405
Happy Thxgiving! I had my turkey dinner here in HK last night too~
about 17 years ago


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Languages Spoken
english, cantonese, mandarin
Location (City, Country)
Hong Kong
Member Since
April 19, 2007