Official Artist
Robert Ryu
Actor , Fashion / Costume Designer , Model
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“the biz”

for robert, by robert (zed cards & business cards)

I always wondered if I was good enough for this industry, great enough to maintain work, or talented enough to be the greatest in town. I consider myself lucky to be pursuing such a creative career at this time and age where I have the freedom to explore out of the box and not be a jack~ ass. I realize it takes more than nepotism for me to bank on a big break from uncle Wong or other family members who don’t exist, nor work in show biz and major studios like Sony, Paramount, Fox, WB, etc. cause I wasn’t born into Hollywood legacy. But I did inherit a face and I hope to be pleasing to your eyes. I do what I can.


As in any profession, I dress to impress. Don’t drink, don’t smoke, and take vitamins cause once your looks start to fade, so does the way you feel about yourself. With that said, I am striving to be healthier by working out, eating better, and running, walking, or skipping.


In order to build a strong character for myself it is important for me to develop a personality that projects love and shines confidently with genuine excitement, energy, and enthusiasm that people can feel when I am there. So I have been spending a good amount of my time training around mentors and people of character with chops to make it to the top. I find myself passionately praying for sustainment and strength that endures and perseveres in this crazy world of fakers, freaks and facades. I hope with all the up coming interviews and auditions, that people will get a glimpse of this.


It is a humbling experience moving to L.A. this summer and my support network (family & friends) has helped me tremendously to survive another season. Still building my network of friends and learning the values of friendship. This network is not only crucial to my life but extremely encouraging at various points when I am down or need advice. They are honest, trustworthy, real, and positive influences in my life. Thanks guys for believing in me! :]

about 15 years ago 0 likes  0 comment  0 shares


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Location (City, Country)
Los Angeles, United States
Member Since
April 15, 2009