Official Artist
Paul Wong
Music Producer , Musician , Singer
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My Room | 我的房間

August 8th Blog:

Medicins Sans Frontieres’ co-worker Lucas said he’ll cook spaghetti for me tonight. I was so happy. But... take a look!!!

There’re many uninvited guests in my room. Below are two of them. I was used to it and added their photos into my album!

 Washing room has complete settings. Pay attention to the water faucet and little pot in left corner. Doubtful! I dare not touching them till now!!

My bed, my dryer and fan.

It’s not moon, but a top light in aisle.|



亦係今晚嘅大廚, 開頭聽佢講, 話煮意大利粉俾我地食,

我好開心, 但係…. 請大家睇一睇!!!

我的房間充滿不速之客, 以下係其中兩個, 我已習以為常, 仲幫佢地影相添!

廁所設備應有盡有, 請留意左下角嗰個水龍頭同個壺仔, 非常可疑! 到依家我都未敢碰!!

我張床, 我個乾衣機連風扇.

唔好以為係月球, 呢個只係走廊盞燈.

over 16 years ago 0 likes  16 comments  0 shares
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i don't think i could take the bugs... :-D
over 16 years ago


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