Official Artist
Pat Lee
Director , Painter
681,155 views| 122  Posts

Alive Not Dead! :D

It's great to see my RT friends start something new and exciting - what a great site. Well, I am in Thailand right now doing some really crazy creative work out there and I can't wait to head to Hong Kong and see all my good friends and family. If you are new to Alive Not Dead - Welcome! -- And enjoy the site you guys/Gals are going to love how useful it will be! :) 

 Back to the drawing board - Pat Lee|真高興能看到RT網站老友們開始了又新又刺激的事-超棒的網站!啊,我現在在泰國正在做一些很瘋狂的創作工作,迫不及待地想回香港看我所有的好朋友和家人呢。如果你新加入Alive Not Dead -歡迎!--好好享受這個網站,你會愛上這裡!:)

回我的畫板去- Pat Lee

真高兴能看到RT网站老友们开始了又新又刺激的事-超棒的网站!啊,我现在在泰国正在做一些很疯狂的创作工作,迫不及待地想回香港看我所有的好朋友和家人呢。如果你新加入Alive Not Dead -欢迎!--好好享受这个网站,你会爱上这里!:)

回我的画板去- Pat Lee

over 17 years ago 0 likes  2 comments  0 shares
Conroy c0 conroy
Peace Pat, Nice to have you on board the AnD site, I guess these guys are your homies! I wanted to talk to you about doing some illustrations for a film.. how do we talk in private? Peace Conroy
over 17 years ago


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Hong Kong
Member Since
April 16, 2007