Official Artist
Oli Pettigrew
MC / Show Host , Model
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Oli through the eye of a Lens

I just got back from a monster shoot today and found an inbox FULL of photos from my good friends and director Julius. Jules can always be found, when overseas on a shoot, with his old school range-finder film camera... and he was always snapping away when we weren't looking. Well it turned out like a nice kinda documentary photo diary, so I thought I'd post them!Here's three pics, from 3 countries... that show how obsessed I am with reading. ESPECIALLY when on location. Contrary to popular belief, making TV can be REALLY bloody boring. So taking along 3 books on a 5 day shoot... I'll usually finish the lotI have even developed the ability to read in cars and buses... which definitely passes the time.I'm always looking to have a bit of fun... and just plain enjoy getting the crew to laugh too... I'm constantly talking at full speed, deliberately messing up my lines, and just generally making stupid poses in an attempt to lighten the moodSure, there are some boring times... but I also get to see some amazing places...and meet some cool people tooSarah Jane DiasVan Ness Wu.... and Shaa'ir and Func...But I also get to work with some great people, and good friendsOkay people... hope you enjoy the pics... I'll get more blogging on soon... I've got a busy weekend ahead thoughLaters Oli

almost 16 years ago 0 likes  24 comments  0 shares
nice pic of you !!!
almost 16 years ago
almost 16 years ago


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January 14, 2009