This week ended up being a Christmas and Birthday all rolled into one for me... which is always nice.
First up, I got ahold of the new C905 Sony Ericsson Cybershot phone which is awesome.At first look, it looks like a top notch Digital CameraWhich is no surprise.... seeing as it shoots in 8.1 MEGAPIXELS! 8.1!!! That's insanely awesome.So many mobile phones have cameras on, but lets be honest people, they're only really any good for shooting blurred crappy teeny tiny photos to look at on your phone screen. Whereas this camera has almost as many pixels as my Cybershot T300. So now, when I got out to a party I just have to take the phone. Awesome. Not only that, but at the same time it's got the same Face recognition technology AND the Smile shutter function that the cameras do. So all the shot's come out looking super focused and Smiley as you can see here with my lovely Mrs:-
So hats off to the C905.... the pics look great. But then again, so does the phone:-
I've already got it loaded up with music and photos I'm ready to go. 3 gadgets in one. And you know I'm a gadget guy!With all the functions of an MP3, WiFi connectivity, GPS and everything else... I am being blown away by the phone. There are so many features, I don't know where to begin!Though I'm also loving the spring mechanism for opening and closing the thing! I'm so glad that it feels like they put some time into it. I don't know why I find these things important. But a perfectly balanced spring mechanism on a gadget just satisfies me.From now on I'll be using it as my primary camera... so all the pics I upload will be from the C905, so you can see for yourself how great the pics are.But, not only that then lovely people from Adidas hooked me up with 3 pairs of shoes
Which have been driving my friends and stylists wild with jealousy, hehehe. I'm a complete nut for the new VESPA line they've brought out... I've got all sorts of shirts and stuff from there... it's so retro. I love it.And then finally, while I was at EA the other day doing an interview (read:- playing games) I managed to get my greasy mits on Mirror's Edge
And now I just have to say it. OH. MY. GOD.As a host and father, my gaming regimen has been somewhat truncated as I have other responsibilities and can't stay up all night playing games anymore, because I have a teeny tiny little alarm clock with 2 arms, 2 legs and vocal chords that go off at 7am no matter what.I have been gagging to get my hands on this game since I hosted an X Box Party over a year ago, where we got the tiniest of sneaky peakys before anyone else. I followed the development and was all over the demo when it came out for download.I was nicely impressed by the demo and thought the game would be alright. I couldn't have been more wrong. The game was absolutely AMAZING. I don't know where to begin, but everything in this game was just top-notch. EVEN the menu MUSIC was perfect. The only time I have had such a visceral experience playing a game was C.O.D 4... and that just won game of the year and 3 Baftas. So that should give you some idea of how excellent Mirror's Edge is.The first person view just works so well. I have never been so satisfied beating the living daylights out a totalitarian pawns as I was when I was rolling, kicking and punching then from First Person. But then again, your whole body is animated too. It's not like some first person games where all you have is a gun and no legs. On this you can stand on the edge of a building, look down and see you toes sticking over the edge.... then you get Vertigo... awesome.The free-running works superbly, even better than in the much celebrated Assassins Creed. After a small amount of practice I was gracefully (and very satisfyingly) sliding behind cover as I scooped up a gun, hopping over a fence then turning and firing before I jumped across the street to another roof-top. I felt like I was in the Matrix.I have been staying up to 2 am regularly playing this game... you promise yourself just 5 more minutes... and then 2 hours disappears.I could go on and on about this game. But I need to get back to playing it. My heart's racing and my palms are sweaty already.I wanna extend huge thanks to all the generous people who have hooked me up. I haven't looked or played this good for a long time!Take it easy peoplesOli
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