Norm Yip - my official artist profile
Official Artist
Norm Yip
Painter , Photographer , Author
146,461 views| 75  Posts

About Norm Yip

Never in my dreams as a little child did I ever think I would come to live, work and play in Hong Kong. Born in Canada to Chinese parents, I moved here in 1994

I am a photographer-artist living and working in Hong Kong. I vary between socially outgoing to hibernating at home with a book. I challenge myself in many areas of life, namely creatively, intellectually, physically and spiritually. I believe that I am ambitious in whatever I do and try to encourage others to do what they are passionate about. My three main areas of artistic interest are people photography, graphite drawing, and finally painting. All three areas weave in and of my life at different times. I self-published a photography book in 2005 called 'The Asian Male - 1.AM' and just released the follow-up volume 2.AM under the same title. Other than this, I dabble in Tarot readings and enjoy quiet nights with my fur-ball cat 'BB'. My weakness are anyone that is stunningly good looking, whether male, female or somewhere in between (these days, it can be hard to tell), bitter chocolate, gelato, and a nice pair of legs.... I like reading non-fiction books mostly, especially ones that really make me think and question myself and life. Although I am generally quite moody by appearance, it's usually because I'm thinking WAY too much for my own good.

Interesting facts about Norm Yip

Languages Spoken english, cantonese
Location Hong Kong
Gender male
English Name Norm Yip
Traditional Chinese Name 葉偉誠
Member Since May 31, 2007
Fans 51
Profile Views 146,461


Never in my dreams as a little child did I ever think I would come to live, work and play in Hong Kong. Born in Canada to Chinese parents, I moved here in 1994

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Languages Spoken
english, cantonese
Location (City, Country)
Hong Kong
Member Since
May 31, 2007