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Look Who's Coming to Music Matters 2010

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<![endif] Who can ignore almost 4 billion

people and almost half of the world’s net and mobile phone connections?


In this, our fifth year, we are proud to present another truly global line-up of some of the world’s most innovative and dynamic figures from across the music, media, entertainment and technology businesses all sharing some of their unique insights into staying ahead, including:

**Daniel Ek* , Spotify **Neil Warnock* , The Agency Group Ltd **Norman Cheng* , Gold Typhoon Entertainment Ltd **Vijay Lazarus* , Indian Music Industry & Phonographic Performance Ltd **Daniel DiCicco* , Sony Music Entertainment Asia **Rob Wells* , Universal Music Group International **Tony Yapp* , Qun Yin Culture & Entertainment Ltd **Neeraj Roy* , Hungama Mobile **Scarlett Li* , Zebra Media **John Kennedy* , IFPI **Joe Belliotti* , The Coca-Cola Company **Bernie Cho* , DFSB Kollective **Terry McBride* , Nettwerk Music Group **Yu Sasamoto* , Microsoft - Japan **Rob Lewis, Omnifone Group Ltd *Vince Bannon* , Getty Images

...and many more.

Will you be there too?            

View latest programme here.

Combining a thriving live music industry, cutting edge technologies and more ways to connect more music with more fans, the global spotlight remains on the Asian entertainment industry and Music Matters 2010 will once again provide a unique one stop access point to this remarkable region. And don’t forget the legendary showcase parties!

We look forward to welcoming you to Hong Kong in May!

The Music Matters Team

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March 5, 2009