Official Artist
Marsha Yuan
Actor , Singer , Dancer
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facing my challenges

It's been a good 10 days. I've been able to start to feel out Beijing...and then, relax with my family in Shanghai.  I got to hang out with my cousins, my aunt, and my 2 cute little twin nieces.  Today I'll be going back to Beijing and I'll finally start this movie.  I'm glad I'll get to see Eugenia before I actually start the rehearsing....well, I'm a bit nervous because I haven't acted in a long time.  It's actually been about 2 years!  I can already see the challenges that are coming up ahead.  I've never been too good at learning my lines in Chinese. And this time, it's important for me to do it right.  I just hope I can be more motivated...and of course, there is always my fear of meeting new people...it takes me a while to warm up to people...usually, I come off as a bit of snob at first...or as they would say "cool"...I try not to be..but, I'm kind of quiet and shy in the beginning...oh...I really hope everyone is cool in the cast and crew...it will make a big difference for these 4 months....I'm so nervous....but excited...what a great feeling:)

我足足有十天的時間,去感受北京...然後我回上海和家人相聚 ,我的姑姑,兩個表哥,以及雙胞胎姪女。今天我又將要回北京 ,總算要開始拍戲了,我很高興開始排練之前,能和我大姐混了兩天 ,她也來了北京....說實在的,我還真的有那麼點緊張 ,太久沒開工了,差不多有兩年的時間了,對我來說是一次很大的挑 戰,這以前我很少有機會像這一次那樣,有足夠的時間去讀劇本以及 練習中文台詞,我這次必須有更大的動力,把這部戲演得最好,.. .當然我也特興奮能有機會認識更多的朋友...雖然我比較慢熱 ,須要一點時間...通常別人會覺得我有點自大...或者 ,有點冷血...我試著不這樣..但是一開始我總是比較安靜 ,害羞...哦...我希望每個工作人員和演員都很棒.. .這會讓我這四個月過得很不一般....我現在有那麼一點緊張. ..但是也很興奮!實在是一種很美妙的感覺!

Here's a photo taken when we were watching Lawrence perform at a club.  These are my friends from Beijing (Toma and Johannes) and then my other cousin (Martin) who is Lawrence's little bro. 

These are my cute nieces, Mei and Wen.  They looked so cute in their uniform I couldn't resist!

Here they are again practicing piano

They have grown so much in just a few months that I haven't seen them!

over 16 years ago 0 likes  6 comments  0 shares
Photo 33405
Hi Marsha, so you ended up in Beijing! Will you still be there during the Olympics? Your nieces are really cute! I'm the same way too... I can still be very shy and quiet sometimes when meeting new people. I've gotten a lot better in recent years, but sometimes I still get that way... Good luck with the movie! :)
over 16 years ago
Mark moran in spokane 920x920
I seriously can't decide which of you is the cutest ...
over 16 years ago


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