演员, 歌手, 舞蹈家
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This is from an email that I wrote to someone who supports me for the competition. I just felt that it really spoke about how I feel so....here it is:

First of all, I studied musical theater at a private college in New York City called The American Musical and Dramatic Academy. In this school we were trained to become a triple threat. This means that we had to sing, dance, and act. I was trained in singing (private lessons), voice and speech (how to project the voice on stage) theater dance, tap dance, ballet, and jazz. I also had acting classes and music theory (though I don't think I'm very good in this area). Also....musical history. I was very young at heart when I was training at school. And now, when I look back, I realize that I was very naive back then. I was mostly about dreaming and didn't really know what I wanted...

Ever since I was a little girl (about 12 or 13) I have dreamed of being on the stage. The firstmusical to touch my heart was "Les Miserables". I remember watching the whole thing almost crying because I was so touched by the music. Then when they sang "One Day More" I got  goosebumps (what Chinese call chicken skin) because the voices were so amazing! I made a vow to myself that one day I would be on the stage and it would be me giving this type of feeling to someone else.

After college, my mother convinced me to go to HK to pursue my acting career because she felt that it would be much easier for me to go to HK and find work. It can be quite competitive in NY and I'd probably have to work part time while auditioning. Well, I didn't know that going to HK would completely change my direction. I spent the next few years in Hong Kong acting for TV and Movies....and occasionally I'd do a stage show or musical. I found that I really enjoyed the rehearsals and the time spent on doing the stage shows rather than filming. Only in the last 2 years have I finally found myself again…and realized that what I still want and what I'm very passionate about is singing, dancing and just performing.

so…the reason for me entering this competition was that I wanted a new start in my career. I want people to see me as an artist on the stage. I found out about the competition through friends of my mom’s. In the beginning, I thought that there was going to be a musical theme and that everyone would be singing musicals. But, then I found out in Jinan that everyone was still in the pop mode. I was a bit upset but found out that there would be some involvement with Broadway later on in the competition. So...I'm actually sticking to the competition because of this main goal in mind. I'm here for the promotion and the connections with Broadway...and the hope that I can become one of the first artists to make musicals big in China. I also have a love for jazz. I've been playing a lot with it lately because I just had a cabaret show in April where my cousin (he plays the guitar) helped me put together a jazz band. It was a mixture of musical songs, old Chinese songs, and jazz....this is my passion!

At first, for the competition, I wanted to just sing musical songs...but later on, the directors told me that I should sing some Chinese songs too. I really don't want to sing the same songs as everyone else. I want to be able to sing some simple old Chinese songs and maybe change the arrangements into a more jazzy feel. I don't really know any Chinese musicals except Jacky Jeung's musical and "Perhaps Love". And even then, I'm not too familiar with the songs.  There are so many musicals that I love. I'm not too fond of the more known musicals in China like, Cats or Evita... Though I did perform last year in an "Andrew Lloyd Webber" gala in Estonia with international stars...where I sang "I Believe My Heart (Woman in White), "All I Ask of You" (Phantom), and "I Don't know How to Love Him"(Jesus Christ Superstar). I love Claude-Michel Schonberg's work, Miss Saigon and Les Miserables. I also love Jekyll and Hyde, Chicago, Wicked (I just watched that), some songs from Chess are nice, Beauty and the Beast, Lion King, Fosse, Sweet Charity, The Sound of Music, Hairspray, Grease, Blood Brothers, 42nd St, Chorus Line, Cabaret ...the list could really go on and on....

For my first audition in Jinan, I chose to sing "cha si ni de wen ruo" because I sang that song in a jazz version at my cabaret. I like the older chinese songs because I find that now the Chinese pop songs don't really have much meaning to me...well, occasionally there will be a good one. I also chose "summertime" because I knew that that song would work well without music. I actually, also sang "If I Loved You" (Carousel) the very first day...but they didn't film that day. So, this is what I am about. When I heard all the other kids singing their pop or R&B songs...I started to get confused and didn't know what direction I should take. I don't really know what the judges said to me the day that I sang "All That Jazz"....I think that the last judge might have asked something about my direction in song choices? So...I'm quite confused what I should do. I think what I want is....to sing musicals/jazz/ and older Chinese songs made jazzy…




…當我還是個小女生(大概 12、 13歲),我就夢想著走上舞臺。第一個觸動我心的是歌劇《悲慘世界》。還記得看這部劇時,美妙的音樂感動得我幾乎流淚。當他們唱起 "One Day More"時,我身上起了雞皮疙瘩(中國人的說法),實在太動聽了!那天我對自己發誓,總有一天我會站上舞臺,給象我這樣的觀眾帶來同樣的感受。

大學畢業後,媽媽讓我到香港開始演藝生涯,因為她覺得在香港比較容易找到工作。紐約競爭太激烈了,我很可能只能做兼職。當然,我並沒料到來香港會完全改變我的方向。我花了幾年時間在香港演電視和拍電影…有時演舞臺劇和音樂劇。我發現我很享受在舞臺上排練和演出的時間,勝過拍電影。直到最近 2年我才再次認清自己…意識到我真正想要、為之激動的是唱歌、跳舞和表演。

所以…支持我來參加這次比賽的動力是我想在職業生涯上有個新開始,我想讓大家看到舞臺上的我。我從媽媽的朋友那兒知道這個比賽的。一開始以為是音樂劇選角比賽,每個人都唱音樂劇。但是當我到濟南參加比賽時,看到每個人都唱流行歌曲。我有點失望,但發現比賽最後還是和百老匯有關…因為這個而繼續比賽。我參賽是做宣傳,還有機會去百老匯…我希望有朝一日能成為中國首個音樂劇巨星。我還很愛爵士,我玩了不少爵士樂,因為 4月份時我有場表演,我的堂兄(玩吉他的)幫我組了個爵士樂隊伴奏,混合了音樂劇、懷舊中文歌和爵士…這是我的激情!

比賽時我本想隻唱音樂劇歌曲的…但後來導演告訴我還應該唱些中文歌。我真的不想跟其他人唱一樣的歌。我想唱一些簡單的懷舊中文歌,並改編成爵士味道。我真的不了解任何中國的音樂家,除了張學友的舞臺劇和 ”如果愛 ”,我甚至對這些歌曲也很不熟悉。我有很多喜歡的音樂家,在中國流行的音樂劇我並不感冒,比如 Cats或是 Evita…去年在愛沙尼亞的 ”安德魯•洛伊韋伯音樂節 ”上,我和很多國際音樂家合作了音樂劇…我演唱了《白衣女郎》的 "I Believe My Heart"、 《歌劇魅影》 "All I Ask of You"、還有《萬世巨星》裏的 "I Don't know How to Love Him"。我愛克勞德 -米榭荀博格的作品《西 貢小姐》和《悲慘世界》,我還愛《 JEKYLL & HYDE》、《芝加哥》和《 Wicked》(剛看完),還有很多歌曲也很好聽: "美女與野獸 "、 "獅子王 "、 "Fosse"、 "Sweet Charity"、 "音樂之聲 "、 "Hairspray"、 "Grease"、 "Blood Brothers"、 "42街 "、 "Chorus Line"、 "Cabaret"…還有很多很多…

在濟南的第一場比賽,我唱了 "恰似你的溫柔 ",因為以前的表演中我唱過這首歌的爵士版本。我喜歡懷舊中文歌,是因為不覺得現在流行的中國歌曲好聽…當然,偶而也有好歌。我還選擇了 "summertime",這首歌不用伴奏也很好聽。實際上第一天我也唱了 "If I Loved You"…但那天他們沒錄影。當我聽到其他的孩子們唱流行或 R&B歌曲時…我開始猶豫,懷疑自己的方向。當我唱完 "All That Jazz"之後,我不明白評委對我說的話…最後一個評委是在問我選擇歌曲的方向嗎?…我不晓得應該怎麼做,但我想要的是…唱音樂劇 /爵士 /有爵士特色的懷舊中文歌…


节选自一封我写给一个比赛支持者的邮件,它能表达我现在的感受 …

…首先,我在纽约一个私立学校叫美国音乐和戏剧学院学习了音乐剧。我们在学校里接受三重培训,包括唱歌、跳舞和表演。我学习了唱歌(私立课程)、发声和演讲(如何在舞台上控制声音),音乐剧舞、踢踏舞和爵士舞,还有表演和音乐理论(我在这方面不是特别精通)、音乐剧历史。在学校时我还很稚嫩,现在回想起来,那时的我非常天真,整天都在做梦,不知道自己想要什么 …

…当我还是个小女生(大概 12、 13岁),我就梦想着走上舞台。第一个触动我心的是歌剧《悲惨世界》。还记得看这部剧时,美妙的音乐感动得我几乎流泪。当他们唱起 "One Day More"时,我身上起了鸡皮疙瘩(中国人的说法),实在太动听了!那天我对自己发誓,总有一天我会站上舞台,给象我这样的观众带来同样的感受。大学毕业后,妈妈让我到香港开始演艺生涯,因为她觉得在香港比较容易找到工作。纽约竞争太激烈了,我很可能只能做兼职。当然,我并没料到来香港会完全改变我的方向。我花了几年时间在香港演电视和拍电影 …有时演舞台剧和音乐剧。我发现我很享受在舞台上排练和演出的时间,胜过拍电影。直到最近 2年我才再次认清自己 …意识到我真正想要、为之激动的是唱歌、跳舞和表演。

所以 …支持我来参加这次比赛的动力是我想在职业生涯上有个新开始,我想让大家看到舞台上的我。我从妈妈的朋友那儿知道这个比赛的。一开始以为是音乐剧选角比赛,每个人都唱音乐剧。但是当我到济南参加比赛时,看到每个人都唱流行歌曲。我有点失望,但发现比赛最后还是和百老汇有关 …因为这个而继续比赛。我参赛是做宣传,还有机会去百老汇 …我希望有朝一日能成为中国首个音乐剧巨星。我还很爱爵士,我玩了不少爵士乐,因为 4月份时我有场表演,我的堂兄(玩吉他的)帮我组了个爵士乐队伴奏,混合了音乐剧、怀旧中文歌和爵士 …这是我的激情!

比赛时我本想只唱音乐剧歌曲的 …但后来导演告诉我还应该唱些中文歌。我真的不想跟其他人唱一样的歌。我想唱一些简单的怀旧中文歌,并改编成爵士味道。我真的不了解任何中国的音乐家,除了张学友的舞台剧和 ”如果爱 ”,我甚至对这些歌曲也很不熟悉。我有很多喜欢的音乐家,在中国流行的音乐剧我并不感冒,比如 Cats或是 Evita…去年在爱沙尼亚的 ”安德鲁 ·洛伊韦伯 ”音乐节上,我和很多国际音乐家合作了音乐剧 …我演唱了《白衣女郎》的 "I Believe My Heart"、《歌剧魅影》 "All I Ask of You"、还有《万世巨星》里的 "I Don't know How to Love Him"。我爱克劳德 -米榭荀博格的作品《西 贡小姐》和《悲惨世界》,我还爱《 JEKYLL & HYDE》、《芝加哥》和《 Wicked》(刚看完),还有很多歌曲也很好听: "美女与野兽"、"狮子王"、"Fosse"、"Sweet Charity"、"音乐之声"、"Hairspray"、"Grease"、"Blood Brothers"、"42街"、"Chorus Line"、"Cabaret"...还有很多很多 …

在济南的第一场比赛,我唱了"恰似你的温柔",因为以前的表演中我唱过这首歌的爵士版本。我喜欢怀旧中文歌,是因为不觉得现在流行的中国歌曲好听 …当然,偶而也有好歌。我还选择了 "summertime",这首歌不用伴奏也很好听。实际上第一天我也唱了 "If I Loved You"…但那天他们没录影。当我听到其他的孩子们唱流行或 R&B歌曲时 …我开始犹豫,怀疑自己的方向。当我唱完 "All That Jazz"之后,我不明白评委对我说的话 …最后一个评委是在问我选择歌曲的方向吗? …我不明白应该怎么做,但我想要的是 …唱音乐剧 /爵士 /有爵士特色的怀旧中文歌 …

接近 17 年 前 0 赞s  5 评论s  0 shares
Mark moran in spokane 920x920
In the long run, I think the most important thing is that you've committed to following your dream. I know a lot of people who are too embarassed/discouraged/fearful, etc to even consider following the path that you embark on everyday. So I give you major props for being so brave, and I have a lot of respect to you for doing what you're doing. Regardless of the result, you make your friends and family proud.
接近 17 年 ago



Hong Kong
April 19, 2007