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Mark Roush
Director , Editor (Film) , Producer
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It Drank of Jill Beyond the Hill

Jillian Jameson would peddle her Firestone Flight 77 bicycle down McTierney Road every evening at 7pm.It was a ritual, her daily ride on that abandoned dirt road. She would swift herself through a small path in the forest while avoiding the cow corralling ditches then glide through a covered bridge, all while holding her breath for fear of trolls, and finally she would break left into an open, lilac laden pasture before hitting McTierney Road.Once she navigated through the waves of purple scented sky she stopped and gazed upon a small hill in the distance. It was there she found her peace. It was beyond that hill that Jill would provide life to that which drank of her soul to stay alive.This particular day, though... was quite different.In the lilac laden fields, Jillian slowed her bike and drank deep the whispers of the lilacs blowing in the breeze. She allowed a small smile to breach her otherwise stoic face and parted her lips slightly. She was almost there.A red laser dot came in contact with the back of Jillian's head and seconds later a poof of red air shot from her forehead. Jillian collapsed on the ground, along with her Firestone Flight 77 bike. All went to black in an instance and Jillian, at that time, no longer existed.The light in her head turned on and Jillian opened her eyes. It took her a few seconds to realize what had happened and she slowly gathered herself off the ground, wiping the dirt from her dress."Timothy Smith! You're going to feel the back of my hand when I catch you!" Jillian screamed as she whipped herself around.She lifted up her bicycle and checked it for damage. The blood that was pouring out of the hole in the middle of her head began drying up quickly. She wiped her forehead with her hand and all that remained were bits of dried blood. No hole. No shards of skull. No bits of brain, except that which remained on the ground.The sunlight which coated  Jillian began pulsating as she closed her eyes. The dirt turned monotone. The purple bled away from the lilacs. The area around her began to stretch and pull towards her, ripping and splitting the air into duplicate fields - showing past, present, and future of that very same field. Jillian stepped through one of the folds and disappeared.He was the best shot of his class. Every student, teacher, and parent had never known or heard of anyone as talented as Timothy was when it came to marksmanship.Timothy could hit a falling acorn in the middle of a storm with his Cobalt 2.3 Sniper Piper while simultaneously making wise-crack narration about the acorn's escape from bondage and its fall to freedom."No longer do you hold chains around my mighty circumference! I have broken away from your sinister grasp and the world below awaits to take me in its mighty lap."Then he'd exhale, pull the trigger and the acorn would break into a hundred pieces. Not bad for a young lad who was blind in one eye.Right now, though, Timothy had his good eye dead set on the back of Jillian's head. he switched off the safety and began narrating, "The captain glides her ship through waves of desolation and doom. Her mind is set to reach her true love beyond the hill. What she doesn't know is that...""She standing right behind you with an iron pole!" Jillian yells as she begins to cave in the back of Timothy's skull with the pole.When the deed is down, Jillian throws down the bloody pole and sits next to Timothy's twitching body."You're an asshole Tim. You ruined my dress and bent up my bike."After a few seconds. Timothy stops twitching and his hands begin grabbing the earth around him."You know that folding isn't allowed Jill. I was just messing around with you." Timothy said as he began turning his body over."Then don't put me in a position to do it. Why do you persist on keeping me away from him? He's nice and treats me good."Timothy stands up and wipes himself down. He pulls a comb out from his back pocket and fixes his hair. "I don't like the idea of my sister seeing a Puller. They're parasites... always taking and never giving.""No they're not! He gives me more than you could ever imagine!" Jillian screams.-----------------So, I'm not sure where that story came from... if you can call it a story, maybe the beginning of some weird tale, who knows.Updates:Persephone is currently in a pre-visualization stage with the team at Animation Dynamics. They're doing design work on three of the shots; establishing the general look and feel of the animated background in which the story takes place. Imagine a surreal, impressionistic dream-scape and you can picture what we're trying to create.My book of farables, "Weevil and Nightshade's Compendium of Farables & Tales" is on it's final edits. Design work is currently underway for the cover and I believe that it will be ready for distribution by the end of September, depending on how far I get with my distribution contacts and reviewers.New projects are also popping into my head... including the possibility of me planning to film another of the short farables. I'm seriously considering doing a full, live-action video of, "Atlantis Disregard Had a Hole in His Tongue Which Spoke Secrets to Everyone." This story is very dear to me... and I think would make a wonderful story for audiences to experience.Oh... and then there's the possible rebirth of Lady Wasteland.That's all for now.END OF LINE

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Mark Roush navigates the waters of video marketing and advertising for companies such as Nike, Autodesk, Intel, HP and many others.

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November 20, 2007