Official Artist
Loan Trinh
Graphic Designer , Web / Multimedia Designer
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My special dance class woot !

Ok well not really MY class because i'm not the teacher but just the assistant but still =p

People in Shanghai, come and dance with (me) us !

It's a class for non chinese speakers like me...even if i started my mandarin class with Askbenny. So it will be all in english.

This is the opening so the demo classes are FREE ^_^

Send me a msg if you have questions.

It's been a while I didn't post a video of dance class, so here you go, this is my last StreetFunk class with you-hurt-my-eyes Ryan...

Pretty easy with him to motivate myself to be a good student haha (because if you remembered I pretty sucked last summer at his class)

Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WEiIl_EISMg

almost 16 years ago 0 likes  2 comments  0 shares


I look japanese,chinese or korean but I'm not...But for sure, I am french. I like when life is random, full of surprises and fun stuffs. I try to go forward,

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Languages Spoken
english, french, vietnamese
Location (City, Country)
Shanghai, China
Member Since
October 19, 2007