Official Artist
Loan Trinh
Graphic Designer , Web / Multimedia Designer
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4.24am...i slept at 12ish woke up 1h ago...nice

I think the few next days will be kinda messy, Lee briefed me about all the projects we have to work on and he mentioned something like : "it's gonna be very tiring, i dunno if you can handle it until you go to LA... it's gonna be like no days off for 2 months if we want to be in time."

It doesn't sound that terrible when we had our meeting but now I doubt it's gonna be painless...I remember how exhausted I was during the 2 months before the Dance Space event, i guess it's gonna be the same but worst because it's more than 1 event.

Let me try to list up basically all my tasks:

  • Big event planning

  • Big event marketing plan

  • Big event design stuffs

  • Design for my friend's new business

  • New dance class to set down

  • Design for my other friend's business

  • International jean's business development

And I must take mandarin classes soon !

Oh well i can die when i'll hit CA, not a big deal.

about 16 years ago 0 likes  2 comments  0 shares


I look japanese,chinese or korean but I'm not...But for sure, I am french. I like when life is random, full of surprises and fun stuffs. I try to go forward,

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Languages Spoken
english, french, vietnamese
Location (City, Country)
Shanghai, China
Member Since
October 19, 2007