Official Artist
Loan Trinh
Graphic Designer , Web / Multimedia Designer
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Hip hop hop hop !!

Recently I met a hip hop singer named A-ken. She is a crazy funny cute girl and I love her !!

Last week end she invited me and Said to stop by the studio where she teaches rapping and performing on stage. It was really interesting because this place is like an artists school you can see people dancing and singing everywhere. A-ken pulled me to the hip hop class and for the first time of my life i took a dance lesson. I tried to be serious but with A-ken we just kept on laughing ! We had so much fun haha !! I felt stupid because everytime that the teacher were in front of me I messed up... T-T and no there is no video of that day don't ask... i have my pride man !

After refulling my shame gauge we went to hotpot and then to Bling.

Yeah that night i drank a little bit too much... but it was fun. I don't do that all the time so its ok. I slept at 5AM after taking an aspirine... On Sunday A-ken told me to come back to the studio again and i was so so so tired...

Scary huh ? If you want to throw up plz throw up here... hahaha

A-ken tried to pull me to the locking class but damn it was too hard for me and my poor brain that day... What is locking ? This is locking :

Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6Y3OzrnBBlc&feature=related See my point ? -_-;

Oh and I did some new designs for A-Ken's band and my DJ's friends.

almost 17 years ago 0 likes  2 comments  0 shares


I look japanese,chinese or korean but I'm not...But for sure, I am french. I like when life is random, full of surprises and fun stuffs. I try to go forward,

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Languages Spoken
english, french, vietnamese
Location (City, Country)
Shanghai, China
Member Since
October 19, 2007