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Keyvan Peymani
Producer , Music Producer , Musician
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And so it begins

Change has come to America in ways both symbolic and real.  Today, our nation saw the inauguration of its first African-American president.  As President Obama takes the highest office in our country, he is faced with monumental tasks both foreign and domestic.  Yet I am filled with a deep hope for the future of not only my country, but also for the world.  Obama has become a symbol of change for all the things we have endured over the past eight years.  He is the real change of an administration and only the next four years will show us whether he can meet the elevated and somewhat inflated expectations of not only the US’ but also the world’s citizens.  

As a multi-ethnic person who has lived in 5 countries and worked in 10, I feel a kinship with the world in ways that many do not.  I realize how interconnected we are and feel a deep responsibility to assist my fellow countrymen and my fellow world citizens.  Today, I am proud that my country has elected someone that not only symbolizes a change in philosophy and policy, but also someone who less than a generation ago would not have been a viable candidate to the office.  I hope it is another sign of the lasting and profound changes that we as Americans have undergone ever since the founding fathers gathered to declare a nation free from tyranny and dedicated to the principles of justice and equality.  

Today, my pride in my fellow Americans has been reaffirmed and my expectations have been raised.  I am galvanized to better our community, our country and our world and excited to follow the lead of a man who has come to symbolize what is great about our nation in a time when so much has gone wrong.  I steadfastly hold to the thought that our future is bright despite the clouds that have gathered and am confident that with a renewed focus and a rekindled spirit, America and the world will prosper.

Best wishes Mr. President.  

You have the support of the world with you.  Please do not squander it.



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October 14, 2008