Official Artist
Kevin Li
Actor , Director , Musician
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今日玩到連條褲都印 x 埋 ! Yay!✌?️✌?✌? 多謝 @samchu0820 @vanshkg #hkig #hkiger #instamood #instadaily #VANSHKG #OFFTHEWALL @avydenrbis #madetomention

about 8 years ago 1628 likes  0 comment  0 shares

唔知醜篇 : 上次响 @ccccafe 有個阿姐話我同呢個女仔好似樣,我話係呀兩兄妹黎架!佢話喔唔怪得知啦!??? #Repost @lforlouise with @repostapp. ・・・ 今日係cwb見到呢張紅卜卜既 poster ,旁邊o個位感覺仲好神袐tim? 十足十我大佬 @kb_kevinboy 咁款?係咪呢係咪呢?? @popcorngeneralstore #streetwear #supreme #fashion #coollook #model #louisewong王丹妮

about 8 years ago 1118 likes  0 comment  0 shares

落到去 LCX Vans撞到奶茶姐姐,就整番個KB奶茶話你知今日有咩玩啦!✌?️✌?✌? Come over Vans LCX store to get a customized tee with Vans stickers! #VANSHKG #OFFTHEWALL @avydenrbis #madetomention @lydialeedeeyah

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about 8 years ago 1297 likes  0 comment  0 shares

喂!有冇朋友响尖沙咀附近呀?過嚟LCX Vans shop 印下 tee shirt啦!✌?️✌?✌?✌?#Repost @vanshkg with @repostapp. ・・・ @kb_kevinboy : 即刻嚟Vans LCX專門店印Tee啦喂! Come Vans LCX store to get a customized tee with Vans stickers! #VANSHKG #OFFTHEWALL @avydenrbis #MADETOMENTION

about 8 years ago 1444 likes  0 comment  0 shares

支持朋友,自己 follow @weareasterisk 睇睇 ????

about 8 years ago 1439 likes  0 comment  0 shares

L記 影完相的 Happy friday dinner at @thestadiumhk ??? 好味!thank you for looking after us ! #hkig #hkiger #instamood #instadaily #lmf #lazymuthafucka #thestadiumhk

about 8 years ago 1629 likes  0 comment  0 shares

多謝 @wingshya 幫我地今日影相相! ??見到我地LMF又合體就知黎緊應該又有野玩啦??????#hkig #hkiger #instamood #instadaily #lmf #lazymuthafucka #wingshya

about 8 years ago 1798 likes  0 comment  0 shares

Selfie with 飛哥 and 飛嫂!✌?️✌?✌?#hkig #hkiger #instamood #instadaily #lmf #lazymuthafucka #kbkevinboy #kb_kevinboy

about 8 years ago 1450 likes  0 comment  0 shares

做運動有教練响到...仲有阿真.King jer 教我地最緊要係 "PUT DOWN YOUR PHONE AND LISTEN" ??? #hkig #hkiger #instadaily #instamood #putdownyourphoneandlisten #thebaddies #thebaddiessnap #ffg #fightfactory

about 8 years ago 1462 likes  0 comment  0 shares

▶️聲音經過特別處理之 Helium版既"雾之戀" ??? Good nite ! #hk #hkiger #instamood #instadaily #helium #heliumvoice #雾之戀 #kbkevinboy #kb_kevinboy

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about 8 years ago 1554 likes  0 comment  0 shares


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Hong Kong, Hong Kong
Member Since
April 19, 2007