Official Artist
Kevin Li
Actor , Director , Musician
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"Crikey what day"

Crikey!!!....Had a big day at shue yan uni in braemar hill today...Arrived at the venue for sound check and rehearsals at 3pm and didnt leave that place and gosh i was tired....eason arrived and we did a set list with him and jammed thru the songs...I thought i played better in rehearsals then the actual show...sighhhhhhhh....oh well thats what playin live is all about.....Hardpack was great lastnite and it was awsome to be with them in a gig like this and thx to eas for inviting hardpack to play the show with him...

Also the fun thing abt the show was the skool uniform that we were wearing and i mean real skool uniform everyone looked so funny...crikey i mean stupid actually but it was all good.......I really wish i could turn back time and play that show better but oh well anyway...it was the 1st show anyway so i hope i can do a better job the next show in taiwan.....I am gonna write a back ground of my self soon from comin back to hk 10 years ago and how i got started playin bands and yes for da questions thrown at me on the guest book  eg: tattoos,hair and other stuff...I am gonna put it right here soon when i get time...tune in for more next time....sorry for da bad grammer and spellin mistakes..its been a long day for me!....

over 17 years ago 0 likes  3 comments  0 shares


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April 19, 2007